Goodbyes and new lifes

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            10:00AM   LEXI FUNERAL


"If it's not cute owell I'm not taking nomore bro"drea said to Loni

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"If it's not cute owell I'm not taking nomore bro"drea said to Loni

"It's cute"Loni whispered as she passed drea back her phone

"I'm not ready I don't wanna do this"drea said putting her glasses back on walking towards her car

"Where you going D we gotta do this"Kam said to Drea as she hopped in her car

"I'm not doing it sober I'm going to the gas station to get a wood I'll be back in time for the service "drea said pulling out the funeral home parking lot

"You good"Kam said to Loni as he grabbed her and put his arm around her shoulder

"Naw not at all"Loni said as she started crying into Kam shirt

"It's them just falling into a relationship right after her cousin die for me"Kiki said

"Some ain't right she sacrificed her for him or something "Kiki said squinting her eyes and sucking her lollipop

"Please shut your dumb high ass up bro "newnew said irritated

"Girl don't get smart with me cause you mad that nigga cut you off and ran back home fuck"Kiki said back

"Bitch you sound slow that nigga ain't went no where I got him wrapped around my finger"newnew said back

Even though her mind was telling her the complete opposite

"There his weird ass go right there to"Tisha said pointing out Donno talking to jano and some other boys

"And there his weird ass go right there"nana said pointing out Kam wiping Loni eyes

"I'm not stunting his weird ass how many times I gotta tell you that bro I don't give a fuck"Tisha said getting irritated and walking up to some other girl

"Damn I ain't even know all these people fucked with Lexi "rayray said to domonik

"I ain't really know her like that soons I was transferring in that's around the time she died but everybody was talking about coming to this bitch so I'm like fuck it I'm sliding to shit"domonik said back

Domonik was the new boy in Simeon he came from Morgan park nobody really knew him like that cause he came around the same time lexi died and that's what they're focus was on

"Yo ass funny asl shorty"rayray said back to him

"Aye yall seen khalil "cj said walking up shaking up with rayray

"Naw I haven't I ain't heard from his ass in like a week I won't lie"rayray said back

"Damn I just talked to him yesterday his ass been weird he haven't been to basketball practice since lex died he ain't been to school shit I don't know wassup with him"cj said back

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