What happen to us

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I'm so over all these people and they bullshit it's like I'm always dealing with everybody else problems and never facing my own

I don't like that at all

I can't believe all this shit really just happened out of nowhere literally I lost everybody I thought I had in a blink of a eye

Like my whole life flipped upside down over night

I don't got nobody literally

But I guess everything happen for a reason and god wouldn't put me in no situation he didn't think I could get out off

I just don't care nomore like about nothing nobody shit

I lost all hope for everything I think I just met depression......

"I'm not gone force you to talk about nothing right now I just wanna be here for you if that's cool"I heard a voice say from behind me that I recognized was Donno before I even turned around

This boy just don't get enough of me no matter how far I push him away he still run back Everytime

I can't blame him though look at me

"You heard me Drea?"he spoke again cause I forgot to respond to his ass out loud

"What do to want from me?"I said back without turning around in my chair

"I just wanna be here Drea that's all"he said and I could hear him put his head down as weird as that sound

"First of all you just wanna be here now cause you think I need you here now which I honestly don't at all I don't need no pitty party cause soons I put my guard down and let you back in you not gone do shit but turn around and bite me in my ass again for the next young pretty pill popping bitch you see and the way my life going right now I don't got no more room for another heart break honestly "I said turning around to him and crossing my legs

"I understand I fucked up on multiple occasions leaving you was the dumbest shit I ever did on mook you the best thing that ever happen to me you keep me on my feet on the right path you good for me cause I'm bad for myself you always on your shit and you got a good heart you care about who you love and I love that about you I don't want somebody who on the same type of shit as me I don't want no girl with no goals in life or don't got shit going for herself you got it all figured out drea and I don't but you make sure I never stop trying to get it together I need you.... "Donno said back with his head down twisting his hair

He always so shy when he express his feelings he been like this since freshman year

"Talk is cheap you better stand on all that shit Donno I'm not fucking around I got way to much on my plate right now I don't got no room for bullshit "I said back standing up in his face

"I won't ever fumble the bag again I hate loosing money "he said grabbing me toward him

"ONLY reason I'm giving you another chance is cause you right about one thing"I said pushing away from him and grabbing my purse off the counter

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