The new girl

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                      7:00AM  MIA HOUSE


"Mia tia let's go time for school you have to drop your brothers off to get up!"my mama yelled in my ear

"Girl We up you don't gotta do all that"I said to her as I sat up in my bed

"Stop talking back and get ready bitch"she said and slammed the door

"I can't stand her ass"tia said as she got out her bed and walked out to go to the bathroom

I just got up to find my outfit I don't got time for they ass today

"I need to go shopping what the fuck"I said as I looked through my closet

I just grabbed my adidas jogging suit and got dressed

"Bitchhhhh really"tia said as she walked back in the room with the same outfit on

"Reallyyyyy"I said laughing cause this always happen we think so much alike


"Kam get up get up"I said patting Kam as I rubbed my eyes looking at my phone

"I'm upppp bro"he moaned out and turned around

"No you not but when I come back from this bathroom I know you better be "I said as I got up and went to the bathroom

I been so tired and irritated lately

Everything piss me off I swear

I brushed my teeth ,did my face routine and went back in the room to see if Kam was up yet which he wasn't as I assumed already

He really been the one pissing me off all he do is get high and laugh at every fucking thing eat all this stinky ass food come in late as fuck drunk as hell all loud like ugh he's a big ass kid seriously

"CAN YOU GET THE FUCK UP"I said as I smacked the back of his head

"Bro on mook hit me like that again"he jumped out the bed and got in my face

"Bitch I don't care about none of that shit"I said getting back in his face

"Yo ass getting irritating on mook"he whispered as he walked off

"I know I am and you is to that's why I'm going home after school we need some space "I said putting my shirt on

"What you mean we need some space stop playing with me bro"he said back walking back in the room

"We argue everyday all day we getting on each other nerves we trying to move to fast we can't live together right now bro"I said back plugging the flat irons up and sitting in front of the mirror

"Don't you think it's to late to be talking about mfs moving to fast bro ?YOU PREGNANT WITH MY WHOLE BABY DUMB ASS!"he said back yelling the last part and raising his hands in the air

"Look how you acting calling me out my name yelling at me like what the fuck yea we definitely need some space "I said starting to cry as I was taking my scarf off

"I'm sorry lonlon you just making me mad bro you know I love you being here every day I got use to you now you wanna leave "he said as he sat on the bed and looked at me

"I know Kam I love being here to I just feel like I'm wearing out my welcome a week at the most that's all"I said flat ironing my middle part closure sew in

"If that's what make you happy Lon I don't wanna force nothing on you or stress you out more than you already is I know you got a lot going on right now"he said getting up walking out the room

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