Chapter One

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Trigger warning: suggesting there's abuse at home and a mention of Quackity flirting with Karl (his teacher) because I thought it was funny 🙄🤚


Tommy was quieter than usual in Mr. Minecraft's class. It was his first class of the day but he was always talkative in the morning. Tubbo was asking him what was wrong while Mr. Minecraft was teaching. Tommy was just ignoring him. Mr. Minecraft glanced at Tommy, his eyebrows knitting together in a mix of concern and confused.

"Tommy, can you tell me what the next step in baking a pie is?" He asked, the class's attention turning to Tommy for the first time that day. Tommy glanced up from his notebook. He glanced back down at said notebook. There were just little doodles instead of notes. Tommy sat up a bit.

"I uh... I don't know." He muttered with a shrug. Mr. Minecraft nodded and turned to another classmate and asked the same question. Usually, Tommy would have responded with a stupid remark before giving the answer. Something was definitely wrong, Mr. Minecraft concluded to himself.

The bell rung soon after. Tommy was the first one to get up and leave. Mr. Minecraft frown and walked over to Tubbo, stopping him from leaving.

"Can you tell Wilbur something's wrong with Tommy? I know he doesn't have him next class but you do. I wanna make sure he knows before Tommy goes to his class."

"Sure thing, Philza Minecraft." Tubbo smiled. "I'll see you after school."

"Bye Tubbo."

Tommy sat in Mr. Halo's class. Mr. Halo was just waiting for him to shout something while he was turned to write on the board. Instead, the class remanded quiet while Mr. Halo was talking and writing. There was a knock on the door before it opened.

"Hey B- Mr. Halo, can I see Tommy for a moment?" Mr. Halo looked at Wilbur.

"Sure. Tommy, please go out into the hall." Tommy glanced at Wilbur before standing up, grabbing his things while he was at it. Tommy quickly walked out into the hallway with his teacher.

"Do you need something, Will?" Tommy asked, quietly. Mr. Skeppy was on the phone not too far away. He glanced at the two before hanging up.

"Are you alright? Tubbo said you were acting off. I just wanted to make sure."

"I haven't heard him shout cuss words in Bad's class, Wilbur." Mr. Skeppy said. Wilbur glanced at him and nodded.

"Thanks Skeppy." The teacher smiled at the other before focusing back on Tommy. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, Wilbur. Just a bit tired. I'll be back to normal in an hour or something." Tommy smiled. "Besides, I'm just trying not to get in trouble today because Sam isn't here. He said something about have a doctor's appointment and wouldn't be able to come in today." He laughed. "I thought I was in trouble or something."

"No... Alright, you can go back to class. I was just... making sure."

"You really are like my brother."

"Stop it. I'll cry." Wilbur huffed. Tommy laughed at him before going back into Bad's class. Wilbur crossed his arms and started at Tommy through the window next to the door for a little bit.

"Sam is here today." Skeppy stated, leaning on the lockers. "I saw him this morning in the break room talking with Dream."

"Tommy never lies to me unless something is wrong." Wilbur muttered. "Can you tell Eret I'll be a little bit longer? You don't have a class, do you?"

"Nah. I have a free period right now. I can go tell Eret."

"Thanks. I'll be in the main office if he needs me." Wilbur turned and quickly made his way down to the main office. He opened the office door, waving at the lady sitting at the front desk, and went to Sam's office. He knocked and waited for the small "come in" from the room. Wilbur opened the door.

"Hey Will. Need something?" Sam asked, looking up from a stack of papers. Wilbur walked in and closed the door.

"Tommy was in your office yesterday, right?" Sam's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He sat up a bit.

"Yes. Why? Is there something wrong with Tommy?" Wilbur sat down in one of the chairs that were in front of the desk.

"He lied to me about you not being here and he doesn't really do that, ya know? Was he acting off yesterday?" Sam sat there for a moment, thinking.

"Now that you mention it, I think he was a bit jumpy."

"Did he tell you-" A shout came from outside the door. The door was thrown open and Quackity got pushed inside. Sapnap looked really angry. Wilbur glanced at the two. Sam sighed and looked at them.

"Yes Sapnap?"

"He's flirting with Karl again. Deal with him." Sapnap crossed his arms.

"Quackity, you need to stop doing that. You know Coach Sapnap gets upset when you do."

"I'm just joking around. He needs to stop being so serious." Quackity rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Sapnap.

"You're flirting with a teacher."

"Fine! Fine. I'll stop." Quackity huffed in frustration. "I can't help it if my teachers are hot." Quackity mumbled. Sapnap, still upset, and Quackity left. Sapnap waved at Wilbur before closing the door. Sam sighed. Wilbur looked at him again.

"Does that happen often?"

"About once a week. It's been happening since Sapnap came to the school last year. Anyways, we were talking about Tommy right?"

"Yeah. Did he tell you why he was so jumpy? Did he give you a reason?" Sam shrugged.

"I don't think so. When I asked, he changed the subject."

"Do you, maybe... think something is going on at home?" Wilbur asked hesitantly.

"We can't jump to conclusions. We can just keep an eye on him for now." Wilbur nodded and stood up.

"Alright. Well, I have a class to teach. I'm sure Eret is trying to control them since they're my crazy class... Oh shit. Alright. I have to make sure Eret and Skeppy aren't being sacrificed or something. Bye Sam." Wilbur left quickly, making sure to close the door. Sam stared at the door for a moment.

"Sacrificed?" Sam asked himself, laughing a little with a bit concern.

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