Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tigger warning: bullying, PTSD


School had finally started back up. Just in time for Halloween. Ranboo had just gotten out of the hospital. Everyone, despite most being a bit traumatized from two and a half weeks ago, was excited for the holiday. The staff had put up decorations in the halls and classrooms. Even Schlatt put up a decoration or two in his room. Quackity and Fundy had been pulling pranks on each other all week. Tommy had bought fake blood and was pulling pranks with it, in and out of school. Tubbo was helping with decorations around the school. Ranboo on the other hand...

Ranboo's locker slammed shut. Ranboo pulled his hand out of it before it had fully closed. He turned and looked at the two responsible.

"Billy. Nick. Nice to see you guys are still alive." Ranboo rolled his eyes.

"Sup Memory Boy." Billy smiled.

"How's the arm?" Nick asked, patting Ranboo bandaged arm. Ranboo flinched.

"Still hurts, thanks." Ranboo pushed him away. "You need something?"

"Actually, yeah." Billy grabbed Ranboo's wrist and started pulling him down the hallway. Ranboo stumbled a bit. He reluctantly followed him, seeing as Nick was walking behind them. Billy pulled him into the bathroom. A boy looked up from washing his hands. Nick walked over and grabbed his shirt, pointing towards the door.

"Scat twerp." The boy nodded quickly and walked out as fast as he could. Nick pushed open each stall door to make sure no one else was inside the bathroom. He then walked over to the bathroom door and locked it. Billy pushed Ranboo to the ground and stepped on his chest.

"So here's the thing Ranboob. Your trans friend got Nick here in trouble earlier. Now that Purpled is dead, I don't have someone to get Phil fired." Ranboo tried to push his foot off. Billy pushed more of his weight onto him.

"Why do you want Mr. Minecraft fired?" Ranboo glared up at him.

"Because he's gotten us into trouble more times than I can count."

"Which is what? Five?" Billy stomped on Ranboo's chest.

"Shut up! I'm so much smarter than you are little brat!"

"We're the same age."

"I said shut up!" Billy got down and grabbed Ranboo's shirt. Ranboo punched Bill in the nose and kicked him off. Ranboo stood up and tried to run to the door. Nick caught him and restrained him.

"Maybe you learned your lesson now, bitch." Billy flipped Ranboo off while opening the bathroom door. Nick stuck his tongue out and followed Billy. Ranboo was laying on the ground. His nose was bleeding. He had a black eye as well. Ranboo sat up slowly. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. He stood up and went over to a sink. He groaned in pain quietly.

Puffy glanced up at Ranboo. Ranboo was holding an ice pack on his eye.

"Is your eye feeling a bit better?" She asked, looking down at papers on her desk. It was Ranboo's school file.

"I guess. Why am I here again?"

"Mr. Dude wants the students to do a therapy session with me. Depending on how much trauma the student has, the therapy will continue."

"Well, the only trauma I have is my parents death. Which will be two years ago in February. I'm fine."

"Are you?" Puffy clicked her pen. Ranboo flinched at the click sound.

"Yeah. Can I go now?" Puffy glanced up at him. She started writing on a paper. Ranboo watched her.

"Come back on Monday."


"Because I said so. Get back to class." She handed him a small piece of paper. Ranboo rolled his eyes and took it.

"Have a good day." Ranboo muttered, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

"You too." Puffy smiled at him. Ranboo left the office.


This chapter is a bit short sorry about that :(

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