Chapter Eleven

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Haha death and typos (probably)

Trigger warning: death, shooting


A woman moved a piece on a chessboard. She smiled softly as a bit of a younger Ranboo stared at the board. He picked up a different piece moving it forward and knocking over one of the woman's chess pieces.

"Checkmate." He muttered. She smiled.

"You're getting better, Ranboo." Ranboo looked up at her with a small smile.

"Thanks Momma."

"Would you like to play another round?"

"Yes please." Ranboo's smile widened. His mother put the pieces back in their places. She motioned for Ranboo to move one of his pawns. Ranboo looked down at the chessboard. He moved one of the pawns near the middle. His mother reached out to move one of her's when the front door was busted open. His mother turned and looked at the people coming through the door. She stood up quickly and pulled Ranboo close to her. Ranboo clung to her. "Momma..?" He looked up at her. She glanced down at him and backed away from the people slightly.

"Can we help you with something?" She asked. One of the people swung a bat in their hand, smirking.

"Yeah. Where's your boyfriend? He has some unfinished business with us."

"He's ever rarely here. He's probably off having sex with his other girlfriend, living his fucking double life." She stated, pulling Ranboo even closer to her. They frowned.

"Guess we'll just have to take it out on you until he gets here."

"Ranboo, run!" She let go of his and pushed him towards the kitchen, where a back door was located. Ranboo ran towards the door. The back door was thrown open back a few other people. Ranboo turned and ran back into the living room. His mother screamed. He looked up at her. The person with the bat had grabbed her by the arm. She was trying to pulled away. Ranboo glanced around before picking up a small object. He threw it at the person. His mother looked over at him, as did the person holding his mother.

"Leave her alone!" He shouted. Someone grabbed him from behind.

"I don't really remember much after that..." Ranboo's voice broke slightly. Techno stared at him. "All I do remember is my dad coming through the door at some point and then him being beat up and shot execution style right in front of me... Then they shot my mom. They had already beaten me pretty bad and shot one of my legs... They left without even checking to make sure I bled out. They stole a lot of valuables from my house before they left, that's what the police told me. I had to crawl across the room to call the police but before they even got there, I passed out... or I guess I actually died for a little while." Tears fell from Ranboo's face. "But after I woke up in the hospital, my doctor told me that none of my known family wanted me. So then they told me if I knew about any other family they couldn't find. I told them about my dad's other family and not even they wanted me... except for Dream. I've been such a horrible person towards him when he's the only one that wanted me." Ranboo hiccuped, wiping tears from his face. Techno reached out towards him. Ranboo looked up at him.

"Come here." Ranboo stood up and crawled onto the bed with Techno. Techno hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry I asked, Ranboo. You didn't have to tell me." Techno mumbled softly. Ranboo clung to him and started to sob into his chest. Techno pet his head, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry." He muttered, hugging Ranboo closer to him.

Wilbur opened the door to Techno's room. He closed the door, leaving it cracked just a bit. He looked over at Techno's bed. Techno shifted slightly, careful not to wake Ranboo up.

"You have a child. I didn't know you were pregnant."

"It's not mine. Is Dream here?"

"Yeah. He's down in the waiting room with Phil. They didn't let them come with me because Ranboo was already in here. They aren't letting more than two people in at a time." Wilbur walked over to the bed and carefully picked Ranboo up. "I'll be back in a second. I'll just take him to Dream." Ranboo shifted, mumbling a few incoherent words. Wilbur glanced down at him.

"Has he been crying?" He asked, staring down at the boy's tear stained face.

"Yeah. I asked him about something and he got upset and then I felt bad about it... You should take him to Dream." Wilbur nodded and turned to the door. He left with Ranboo in his arms. He made it to the waiting room where Dream and Phil were chatting. Dream looked at Ranboo before walking over quickly and checking him.

"He's fine. Just had a rough night." Wilbur reassured him. "You should take him home and let him sleep in a proper bed.

"Yeah. I will." Dream took Ranboo from Wilbur. "Tell Techno thanks for watching him." Wilbur nodded. Him and Phil walked back to Techno's room while Dream walked outside to his car. Ranboo shifted in his arms. Dream glanced down at him.

"Dream?" Ranboo mumbled. Dream hummed in response. "'M sorry."

"For what?"

"For causing you so much trouble the past year and a half."

"It's fine, Ranboo. You're not any trouble for me. I enjoy having you around."

"Can I move back in with you? Living alone is lonely." Ranboo mumbled snuggling into his chest, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Of course you can." Dream chuckled. Dumb sleepy teenager.

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