Chapter Eighteen

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Trigger warning: gun, blood, violence, major character death(s), the school building gets fucking massacred lmfao, and PTSD from Techno again because boy got some ✨trauma✨

Lmao y'all are gonna cry so hard and it's gonna be hilarious for me because I already cried over the characters

Hi! Editing Pip here. Uh- Sorry for possible sobbing that'll you'll probably be doing this chapter. :)


A scream came from the hallway. Techno ran over to Phil, who was staring down at the bullet wound in his chest. Another gunshot went off. Techno pulled Phil to the ground and held onto him. There was running feet outside the classroom door. Techno pressed a hand onto Phil's wound. Phil whimpered. Techno hushed him, looking over a desk. One of the windows in the room was shattered. Who was in the classroom next to him? Isn't it Dream? Techno glanced at his desk. He leaned Phil against a desk carefully and crawled over to his desk. He grabbed his phone as another gunshot went off, the bullet barely just missing his hand. Techno crawled back to Phil. He opened his phone and started to text Dream.

Did the second bullet go into your room? I don't see any bullet holes in mine. The first bullet hit Phil. Sent 10:39 AM

Techno looked at Phil's wound. His shirt was now soaked in blood. Another gunshot went off. Techno pulled Phil close to him again. Phil yelped quietly.

"I know. I'm sorry." Techno mumbled. "I'm sure someone's called the police by now. Hang on." He combed his fingers through Phil's hair, trying to soothe him. His phone went off. He looked down at his phone.

I got hit in the leg. My students are okay. Who the fuck is shooting? Sent 10:42 AM

"Damn." Techno muttered.

I might know who but I'm not sure. Sent 10:42 AM

It might be Purpled's older brother, Punz. Though, when I told the police that yesterday, they went to Punz's and his mother's house and no one was home. Sent 10:44 AM

He's the one who shot me twice. Sent 10:44 AM

Techno's grip on Phil tighten as another gunshot went off. He heard a student scream in pain shortly after. He heard sirens approaching. One last gunshot went off before multiple car doors slammed shut. There was shouts outside.

"Tech-" Phil muttered, cutting himself off with a cough. Blood came out of his mouth. Techno cringed at the sound Phil made when he coughed.

"Phil, please. Don't. You're gonna be fine." Techno mumbled, hugging him softly.

"Techno, you're bleeding." Phil said quietly, putting a hand on Techno's forearm. Techno wince slightly. He glanced down at his own wound.

"It's just a flesh wound. The bullet probably just grazed me. I'm fine." Techno felt Phil nod. Techno looked down at Phil. Phil's eyes were closed. "Phil?" Techno asked. He shook Phil a bit. Phil didn't respond. "Phil, answer me. You're not funny." He shook Phil again. "Phil!" Techno shouted. Tears started to roll down Techno's cheeks. "Phil, wake up you prick." Techno's voice cracked. "Phil, please." The classroom door opened. Some SWAT people peaked in. Techno looked up at them. One of them waved a paramedic to go into the classroom. The paramedic walked over quietly. Techno slowly let go of Phil. The paramedic laid Phil on the ground. Techno looked down at Phil's blood on his hands. There was so much blood... Too much...

Techno stared down at a young girl's lifeless body. Tears were running down his face rapidly. He glanced down at his hands. They were covered in blood. He looked up at a dark figure standing over him.

"Sir?" The paramedic asked once again. "Can you hear me?" Techno flinched a bit and looked up at them.

"What is it?" Techno mumbled.

"Are you hurt?"

"Just a small graze. I'm fine." Techno looked down at Phil.

"Your friend will make it if they get the gurney in here fast enough." They informed.


"Tubbo!" Ranboo shouted from the hallway. Techno looked towards the door. Techno stood up and ran out. He looked around the hallway before spotting Ranboo and Tubbo near a broken window. They were both on the floor. Ranboo was hugging Tubbo. Techno ran over. The taller was sobbing while the other was laying on him, unmoving. Ranboo looked up at Techno. "He was shot." Ranboo's voice cracked as more tears ran down his face rapidly.

"Where was he shot?" Ranboo looked down at Tubbo.

"His neck." Techno looked down at Tubbo's neck. Ranboo was holding the wound. Blood was leaking through his fingers. Techno wiped his hand on his pants. He moved Ranboo's hand and looked at the wound. It looked like there was an entrance and an exit wound. It was on the side of Tubbo's neck. Another gunshot went off. The bullet went through the window and hit Ranboo in the arm. Ranboo yelped.

"Grenade!" Someone shouted outside. Techno quickly moved to the other side of Ranboo and Tubbo and hugged them close to him as the grenade went off.

Ranboo opened his eyes. His ears were ringing. He was laying in some kind of liquid. He could hear faint yelling and gunshots. He moved his head slowly. Tubbo was laying on top of him. He saw a bit of glass around as well. He turned his head to look at where Techno had been. Techno was next to them. There was a pool of blood under him. Ranboo reached out his hand and shook Techno's arm. Techno didn't respond. One last gunshot rang out before everything went silent. The ringing had finally faded out. Ranboo laid there quietly, listening to people talking outside.

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