Chapter 53

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August P.O.V

It was almost time to leave nd crystal keep on naggin about dumb shit....

Crystal: Aug just tell me

Me: tell you wat!!!

Crystal: what was you to talking about

Me: nothing

Crystal:*sighs* I wanna go home

Me:*watching kay* na I'm not ready

She followed my gaze and next thing I knew she was getting up

Crystal's PO.V

Now that I got August I am not letting him go...I knew this bitch was gonna try something with my man

Me: are you fucking August

Kayla:*looking at me* don't start your ratchet shit at my event hoe

Me: I don't give a fuck about who's event dis is are you fucking August

Kayla: I'm not sleeping with him.....anymore.....,but I do miss his tongue game, and is his you know what....that's one thing I could say about aug tho...... He knows what he's doing when it comes to eating a cookie *smile*

I was mad...because one aug never went down on me and two how she gone throw that in my face

Me: I swear the next thing you say to him imma fuck yo ass up

She took in a deep breath and put her drink down August came over trying to push me back

Kayla: Aug I miss you

I looked at August and he was smiling then I looked back at Kayla and when I went after her she threw her drink in my face and she reached her hand back and slapped me clawing my face

Me:*screaming holding my cheek*

Someone pulled her away and August grabbed my arm because I was about to go fuck her up

Me: August let me *scream* goooo

They carried her away and August pulled me outside

August: what da fuck wrong wif you

Me: baby she started

August: what did you say to her

Me: I was congratulating her

August:*shaking his head*

He started walking to the car and I followed him...we got in the car and he started driving home and he wasn't even saying anything to me

Me: baby

August: WHAT!!

Me: why are you mad at me

He pulled over and looked at me

August: you just had ta start some shit wif her....

Me: why are you taking her side


Me:...............your supposed to take my side

He got out and walked for a couple minutes.....August can really get on my nerves and if he wasn't this sexy ass celebrity that was full of money I won't even be with him...but I can't loose him so when he got in the car I looked at him and reached over to his pants unbuckling them

August: crystal not now..

Me: I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to get you mad

I looked in his eyes and lowered down sucking on him


He grabbed my hair and pushed my head further down, he was like in my throat I sucked harder and it wasn't long before he started swelling in my mouth

August:*groan* damn

I stopped and let him cum on my chest....and lifted up wiping the sides of my mouth, and grabbed tissue out the glove compartment and wiped his seamen off me, he fixed his pants and started driving while I laid my head back....I know I won't loose August...I just know it.

Kayla's P.O.V

Me: I didn't do anything with him

Mikey: kay don't lie to me

Me: fine okay fine we kissed each other is that the answer you wanted

Mikey: you kissed him

Me: basically, he kissed me first so I decided to kiss him back

Mikey:*shaking his head*

Me: Mikey you can't get mad at me because you kissed me when I was

With him

Mikey: okay fine so just because you wanna tell me that like its normal I think you should know that I made out with the girl that was in that was wearing white and blue

I knew who he was talking about and I didn't even want to talk about it anymore

Mikey: baby

Me: just leave me alone I'm tired Michael

I went up stairs and took a shower putting a T-shirt on and I laid in bed....I closed my eyes and sat up

Me: holey shit

I know I'm probably a little dramatic but I really forgot that I just let out an album.....

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