Chapter 69

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August's P.O.V

I was upstairs in the game room playin gta and kay just came in looking around

Me: what chu looking fo

Kayla: my pills aug where's my birth control pills

My eyes got big for a second and I sat back and continued my game tryin not to look suspicious

Kayla: baby help me find them!!

Me: there not in here, you don't even come in here

Kayla: but I had a lot of bottles they could be anywhere

I grabbed her arm pulling her on my lap cuz she was really panicking...there's no way I'm tellin her dat I threw dem damn pills out

Me: just calm down

Kayla: okay.....I'll just look for them later

Last night while she went to the studio....that was my chance and when she came home I made sure that I smashed..

Me: you almost done wif da song

Kayla: almost..........cmon leave the game alone

Me: noo

Kayla: why

Me: I ont got nun ta do

Kayla: I'm here

Me: *blinking*

Kayla:aug let's go bungy jumping

Me: hell no

Kayla: why

Me:*playing the game * because what if the cord pops

Kayla: it's *sucks her teeth* you know what forget about it

She got up from my lap and pulled her back on

Me: outta all the things we could do why pick bungy jumpin

Kayla: then let's do somethingggg

She got back up nd started walking out

Kayla: all we do is sit around like we some broke ass niggas

Me: *sit back*

I watched her leave and got up goin in the room

Me: cmon nd get ready

Kayla: where we goin

Me: don't ask me just get ready

She hurried up and got up going in the bathroom

Me: I was gone go in there

Kayla: go in the other one

I shook my head and went down the hall into the other bathroom nd took my shower

Kayla's P.O.V

After we got dress he drove to this place I had no idea about

Me: what is this

August: you'll see

We got out and it was a freaking building, I was officially bored now...we went and aug let go of my hand

August: don't go no where stay here

He left and I was standing for so long, I just sat down.....he really was taking forever because it was dark out side, when he came out he smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me up

Me: what took you so long aug

August: I had to pay for it, nd the guy was making sure I knew what I was doin

Me: what are we doing

He ignored me and we got in the elevator he put a key at the bottom and turned it, as we rode up to the top floor ....when we got there it was the roof and it was really windy

Me: what are we goin up here

He had a smirk on his face and he pointed, when I looked it was a purple helicopter

Me: holy shit

I held onto his hand as we walked over, there was a guy already there and he opened the door for us and we got in and August put the belt on me, nd made sure it was on correctly, when he got up to the top belt that went in front of my chest he took his time and purposely touched my chest

Me: cmon on August

August: you gotta be patient

He was still taking a long time and finally he got his seat together

Me: aug do you even know how to fly this thing

August: I did it befo ...........but then it almost crashed

Me: WHAT!!!!! Get me the fuck outta here

August:*smiling* I'm just playin wif you

Me:.....*sighs in relief* don't play like that

We started and I had to put on theses headphones......and before I knew it we were up in the sky....I looked over at August and he was really flying a helicopter.......I smiled and looked over and it was beautiful...there was lights everywhere


The helicopter started twirling a little and I was laughing looking was really fun....after a while we were just flying straight ahead

Me: aug

August: yeah babey

Me: what if I can't find my pills

August: does it make you upset that you can't find them

Me: doesn't make me upset

August: we got dis, nd you ont gotta worry bout nothin cuz I'm here


We flew around for a little longer and then we landed our destination and got put and we went to dinner And went home, I had a good day but I really need my pills ....

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