Chapter 26

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Kayla's P.O.V

Me: my god August

We walked into his house and it was dirty as hell in here, I pulled my shades off and moved it in my hair while I looked around

Me: aug

August: I know...... I was thinkin bout to much I ain't care to clean up

Me:*looks at my watch* well I gotta meet chris at the studio at 6 so we have time

I went upstairs and switched out my clothes leaving me in my sports bra and boy shorts I put my clothes up and realize that my black Luis Vuitton pumps where out the closet.....I sighed and put them back in and started cleaning the house...starting with aug's room....I took the sheets off and went to clear off the glass table and I froze for a second...

Me:*low* holy fuck

I lowered down and looked at the white substance on the glass and next to it was a case...I picked it up and when I opened it, there was a whole lot of coke

Me: this nigga can not be serious

August walked in saying something and stopped when he saw me

Me:*low* why the hell do you have this

August:*walking close to me* I (GCO)

Me: don't lie to me either

August:*blinking fast* I-i-i-i was holding it for someone

Me: God aug did you use some

August:*looking at it*

I closed it and held it tightly In My hand


August: *looking at me* was good.....made me boost up nd at(GCO)

I slapped him and he held his cheek

Me: are you fucking crazy

August: n(GCO)

Me: it was a rhetorical question

August: it's -............can you give it back

Me: hell no.....*walking towards the bathroom*

August:*following me* what are you doing

Me: what does it look like

August: you better not kay I'm not fucking around stop

I opened the lid and poured it in the toilet...aug's eyes got big and he

Tried to save some of it, while I flushed it


Me: *walking out* you better watch ya mouth

August: I wasn't playing with you why did you flush that

I turned around and he was really mad....

Me: your a junkie

August: don't fuckin call me dat

Me: the truth is the truth

August: I'm not a junkie

Me: yes you are

He slammed me against the wall nd nothing but danger filled his eyes

August: call me it again

I was scared because he was holding my arms tightly, nd he never got like this with me

Me: *looking up in his eyes* your hurting me

He Roughly let me go still staring at me with anger

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