Chapter 3

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Kimmy’s POV-

I was driving around aimlessly for a few minutes until I decided to go to the beach. I drove all the way there, parked in the parking area, and I just sat in my car, thinking.

When I first got out, Brian and the guys took me to this cave to have a party. The girls didn’t know me that well and didn’t come, but now we're a close knit family. It’s amazing how much something can change in a year.

Like my feelings for Jimmy.

My feelings are actually undecided what they are exactly. My feelings are like a rollercoaster all the time; either I hate Jimmy’s guts, or I strongly like him.

I got out of my car, and slammed the door shut, then took off walking down the beach, trying to clear my head. Jimmy and I are similar and many ways, we will fight for and protect the ones we love. We both deal with depression, and we both have been through shit in our past, like most people do. Even though he teases me and actually hate my guts, I can’t help but feel a strange attraction to him. And honestly, I find that another reason to hate myself.

Brian was right.

I know his life isn't easy. He keeps up with me, and he has to deal with his love life, bills, and being in a world famous band and touring, even though they are on a two year break and recording a new album. If I just........did away with myself, then everyone’s lives would be so much simpler.

They're carrying around an extra load on their shoulders: me. And I feel bad about it. I can’t even help Brian with bills, even though he has no troubles with it, considering his career, but still. Every time I've secretly looked for a job behind Brian's back, I always get turned down just because they think I’m insane.

I’m NOT insane.

I saw the entrance of the cave, and I noticed a fire going. I got closer to the cave, and noticed a figure sitting down, staring out at the ocean, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped around his knees. I realized who it was immediately; It was Jimmy.

Brian’s POV-

Where the hell are they? I said quietly, to myself. I sighed and pulled over to the side of the road, and shut off my car. I ran my hands roughly over my face. Zack and I have been searching for a few hours, and still came up with nothing. Sometimes I really hate me and my big mouth. I felt really bad about being a total ass to Kimmy. I know what all is wrong with her. Her depression and the scientists at the hospital had written her off as insane.

My sister is NOT insane.

I got her out last year because when you reach eighteen, they can legally put you in an insane asylum. And my parents pretty much disowned her. Well, my father worries about her, and sometimes calls me to ask how she's doing.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts.

I answered "hello" and Zack said, "Hey, I think I found them! Their cars are at the beach." I smiled, even though he couldn’t see me.

"Okay, I’m on my way, but I’m gonna call the girls first."

"Okay, well, I’m waiting."

I hung up then thought: The caves! Why hadn't I thought of that? As soon as I got Kimmy out, we threw a party for her there. And occasionally, she goes there to draw, she really is an amazing artist. I remember when she painted the picture of her nightmare, the hospital called me and they sent me home with this elaborate picture of her nightmare. They feared it would only trigger the dreams again. If she found it, that could be what caused the dreams......... Nah, couldn't be. I pulled out my phone and called Caity.

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