Chapter 9

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Kimmy's POV-

I was laying in my hospital bed after I had woken up. I felt pain ripple through my body, and I was alone in the room. I decided to lay back down and go back to sleep when I caught sight of a figure in the corner of the room. My eyes flew back open and I quickly sat up, scooting away from the woman. My finger had just touched the call button for the nurse when the power went out in the room. There was still light in the hallway.

I saw the icy blue, glowing eyes in the corner, slowly getting closer to me, floating closer to me. I reached for my cross necklace that I had started wearing recently, only to find it gone. Then I felt myself being lifted off of the bed, and I couldn’t move my body. Suddenly, I came face to face with the glowing blue eyes, and their face became glowing white. It was pale and the woman's mouth was missing a big chunk near her lips, revealing the top and bottom rows of black, razor sharp teeth. Her face was smooth, but covered by a thin black veil, and the look on her eyes was murderous.

"You dirty, dirty child. You took both of my sons away from me, and now you will pay for your actions. They may have failed their mission, but I will make your original punishment far worse than originally planned." A raspy, faint voice whispered, yet to me it sounded high pitched, hurting my ears.

"I will make you kill those who care for you, starting with that boy, James. Love is the slowest form of suicide. You should be well informed of this, based on your bloodline alone." She continued, dropping my body down to the bed.

I still couldn’t move. I felt a tear roll down my face, as she leaned closer to me. She reached out a hand and used her razor sharp nails to open my mouth, and she froze an inch away from my face. She parted her lips and a glowing gold gas transferred from her mouth into mine, and I choked on the foul fumes. She closed my mouth and kissed my forehead.

“When you shall awake again, you will get my vengeance. You will finish them off, and then to the top of the building you shall go, over the side you will leap. You will end this curse for good, you will set me free." She whispered, as I slowly gave into the blackness.

I woke up and wasn’t in control of my body. My vision was foggy, and my head was pounding. Something's not right. I couldn't remember my name, where I was, what happened, and how I got here. The only thing on my mind was one word; kill.




I felt my legs swoop out, and my body rose in a standing position. The door flew open, and a strong gust of wind blew in, causing goose bumps to raise on my skin. But it didn’t make me cold. It made me more powerful, gave me more energy. And with that, I began to float out of the room, my feet never touching the ground. I felt and smelled nothing, other than blood, tears, silent sobs, and the beeping of medical equipment. The lights overhead flickered as I made my way down the hallway. My vision blacked out, but my hearing increased. Instead of the sobs, I heard screams, then nothing. I started to panic, fighting to get control over my body, but a searing pain shot through me, and it increased every time I tried.

"Stop, stop please!" I yelled as I heard the crying of infants. I was in the nursery ward. I thought about Jimmy and how I love him more than anything. How this whole thing is affecting us.

"Kimmy! No!" A voice shouted, and I was wrapped in arms. Just like that, my vision returned and the first thing I did was hunch over and throw up. But instead of actually puking up contents of my stomach, I began to vomit up blood. My body began convulsing and the pain rippled through my body. Blood continued to pour out of my throat, and then my nose. I began crying, and my vision was blurry as I gave into the blackness once again. And I thought of Jimmy.

Jimmy's POV-

I was freaking out but holding her to my body nonetheless, ignoring the pain the was burning through my body. I picked her up bridal style and hurried to the floor where we agreed to meet up. I was getting slick with blood, and her eyes were blank. She was still convulsing and my heart ached at the sight of her being possessed by something. If only there was a way to help her… Wait! There is a way!

I quickly ripped the cross necklace from my neck and placed it around her neck. I immediately heard the sizzling of skin, and then the smell of burning flesh. She screamed a high pitched scream, and soon I heard footsteps running towards us as the cross caught on fire and the blood coming from her mouth, nose and tears turned black. I clung onto her body as the convulsing increased.

"Jimmy! Let go!" Brian yelled at me as the doctor tried to pry her from my arms.

“No!" I shouted in anger, pulling her closer to me. I could hear her loud heartbeat, it's pace matching mine as I felt myself growing weak. But I only squeezed her tighter, burying my nose in her hair, inhaling her scent as the world faded to black, and I felt myself fall backwards.

'Never win' echoed in my mind, over and over again, becoming quieter and quieter until it was nothing. Never win? Hell no. I’m determined to win.

Brian's POV-

“Mr. Haner, help please." The doctor said, returning from the room across the hall with a stretcher, and we quickly put both Jimmy and Kimmy on it. The lights came on as the power generator kicked on. I had ordered a nurse to find it and turn it on. Now that we could see, I saw that we were in the nursery, and the babies were all asleep, as if under some spell.

“We need to get these two to the nearest operating room, now!" He shouted as we ran down the hallway. An ear-piercing squeal started from the end of the hall, getting louder the farther away we got. It got to the point of where I had to stop and cover my ears, dropping to my knees.

"Fucking stop it, you bitch!" I yelled at a woman covered in black, her bright blue eyes shining at me. Her teeth where black and sharpened like pencils, as she smirked evilly.

"That is no way to greet an elderly woman." She hissed, glaring in my direction.

"Respect is earned, not given." I hissed as I felt a sharp pain in my face. I lifted my hand to my cheek, and pulled it away to reveal blood.

"Well, if you're going to go on about it that way...." She trailed off, the next thing I know, I hear glass shattering and the bed Jimmy and Kimmy were on took off speeding down the hall towards her, revealing the broken window behind her. I got up, and took off after it.

"No, please!" I shouted, as my legs jerked to a stop and I fell face first, dragged down the hall and away from the woman, towards the doctor. The doctor who is now dead, his lifeless body lay on the floor where the bed was before, his neck snapped.

"Ah, but Mr. Haner, it is too late!" She laughed evilly, showing her rows of black shark teeth, just as the hospital bed disappeared out the window.

"No!" I shouted, trying desperately to move, tears falling down my face as I struggled. I was choking on sobs until a pure white light, blindingly bright, shone through the dark hallway. I gasped at what came through the window.

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