Chapter 5

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Jimmy's POV-

I shot up in bed, startled. I looked around for the source that woke me up, and when I spotted Pinkly, I glared. "Brian, come get your fucking dog!" I yelled. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and a second later, Brian walked into the room, already dressed for the day. He had a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth, and he stared at me like 'what the fuck did she do this time?'

I glared at the dog, and said, "I think the now-dead Pinky taught her some tricks that are of no use to her because she doesn't have a dick."

Brian walked into Kimmy's bathroom, still covered in the blood, and he jumped up in the air when he saw the blood. He held up a finger, signaling he would be back in a minute. He ran out of the room and into his room across the hall. I heard the sink in his bathroom turn on.

A second later, he came back into the room, smirking. "Jimmy, you mean to tell me, you want me to get my innocent little puppy for humping your leg?" I glared, but nodded, and he burst out laughing. I sighed, and got up, picking up the dog, and threw it out in the hallway.

I walked back to the bed. Brian had calmed down, and he said "So, I take it I also need to get more cleaning supplies while I'm gone?"

I nodded and said, "And paint. Oh, and a new mirror."

He raised an eyebrow and said, "Why?"

I explained to him, "The walls look like they were on fire, and the mirror shattered. I spent an hour removing glass from your sister's arms."

He nodded and walked out of the room. I tried to fall back asleep, but after an hour, I got pissed off and accepted I wasn't gonna, so I got up and got dressed. Kimmy woke up.

"Jimmy, what are you doing?" She asked.

I looked at her while buckling my belt and responded, "Getting dressed. I'm going to go see someone. Wanna come with me?" She nodded and got up. I stared at her as she walked to the closet, and couldn't help but stare at her ass. What? I'm a guy!

After I finished getting ready, I waited for Kimmy. I sat in the computer chair, and spun around in circles. I saw her laptop on the desk, so I touched the mouse pad and the screen lit up. I was playing a game when a video chat request popped up from 'Brian'. I clicked ignore, after all he's in the other room. But, it scared the hell outta me when the video popped up anyways.

It was a room burning, the same scene from the mirror. But what scared me was I noticed the room was Kimmy's room, the room I'm in now. A shadow popped up on the screen, and used the knife it used to kill the people, to carve something into the wall. I couldn't quite tell what it said.

"Jimmy, close that please," Kimmy said from behind me.

I closed the screen, and looked at Kimmy who was shivering in fear. I got up and wrapped my arms around her, in an attempt to comfort her. She stopped crying after a minute, and she said, "That's my nightmare. One of them."

I nodded, and grabbed her hand. "Let’s go" I said, and we walked out of the house. We got in my car, a Challenger that is exactly like Kimmy's car, and I pulled out of the driveway. The whole ride was silent, until I pulled up in front of Shawn's house.

"This is the crazy guy’s house," Kimmy said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Trust me, Kimz, Shawn is more sane than people give him credit for." She reluctantly got out of my car like I did, and slammed the door shut.

We walked up to his door, and I knocked. A minute later, he answered it and said, "Jimmy, my man! What brings you to Casa de Shawn today?" As you could assume, he looks like a hippie, bleached dreads in all.

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