3 - Marked

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"Pretty lady, we meet again." A playful voice whispered in my ear. I gasped at the strange man but then realized that it was the young man I had met before. His ginger hair waved at me like a child, as if it were reminding me of his name.

"Childe...I believe?" I covered my ear that was currently red. "It's bad manners to sneak up on someone like that, child."

"Ouch, sassy as always. But that's what I like about you." He smirks, his dull ocean eyes peering into mine. I shivered at his cold gaze. It was emitting a dangerous aura, yet I could tell that he has experienced abnormal pain to have such dark eyes like those.

"What is that look you are giving me?" He raises my head with a finger. Even his hand felt cold. "Pity? Hahaha...how insolent." He glares down at me. "Nobody dares to pity me."

"Oh, how unfortunate. I dare." I laughed. Childe narrowed his brows, clearly irritated at my teasing.

"Don't step over the line, pretty lady." He then lets go of my chin with a calm smile.

"Two-faced? No need to bother with the facade. You want something from me, don't you?" I provoked him, trying to expose the ill intentions he bore. If he's a danger to Zhongli then I must eliminate him. I can't have my master be put in a risky situation with this man.

"Ah, yes. A thrilling battle. A life crisis. The blood rushing through my veins. That is what I desire." He laughs. His eyes were crazed for bloodlust as he examines me. "I wonder...what power do you hold?"

Then, it struck me. What Vision did I carry? What was my fighting style? What weapon did I use?

"I...can't remember." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think back to before I met Zhongli. However, nothing came to mind. I have a sentiment, I know my powers are in me but I can't detect it. Why?

"Are you trying to infuriate me?" The man grabs my wrist and I flinched at the forceful grip. He was physically strong.

"I'm serious." I gave him a desperate look, not because I feared him or my death but because of my lost powers. Without them, I won't be able to protect Zhongli. If I can't even protect him as his most trusted adeptus then what is the meaning of my life?

"Ugh...nothing ever goes my way!" He stomps on the ground like a child and I couldn't help but laugh at him. "And now you are mocking me!?"

"Sorry..." I tried to hide my giggles.

"I was just kidding. Of course I wouldn't act like a kid. Such a sad expression shouldn't be on any pretty lady's face." He smiles and I had to remind myself that he was a man shrouded in deception and threat. I must be careful when I'm around him.

"Says the man who hurt my wrist." I sigh, rubbing my poor bruised flesh. "Though I suppose it's better that way. When we finally get to fight one on one, you better not go light on me just because I'm a 'pretty lady.'"

"Pfft...of course not! You are so fun to be around, Y/n." He laughs while poking my cheek. I crossed my arms and leaned away.

"I've heard better words. Anyway, how did you even get in here!?" I exclaimed, finally realizing that he entered the house and I didn't even notice his presence. I went home after Zhongli left me and spent my time cleaning the house until this sneaky man intruded rudely.

"I hopped in." He jabbed his thumb at the open window and I couldn't help but laugh at myself for not taking security seriously. "I should lock the windows next time..."

"Aww...why?! Don't you want to revere this handsome face every day?" He pouts, leaning towards me. I pushed his face away before heading to the kitchen.

"The only handsome man I worship is Zhongli," I growled while tossing some ingredients on the counter. I was going to make Sweet Madame and Salt and Pepper Tofu for dinner today.

"Hm, Mister Zhongli is so lucky to have a girlfriend like you. I am envious." Childe weeps in sorrow as I continued to prepare the fowl and sweet flowers.

"I am not his girlfriend. And also, why not just search for one?"

"Hah! Easy for you to say. As one of the eleven Fatui harbingers, I, Tartaglia, will not find a partner for it will become a burden." He announces with the grace of a mighty ruler. The sight was truly humorous to take in.

"Yeah, whatever, child. I don't know anything about the Fatui but given your seemingly high position, you don't have a lover because they would become your weakness, am I right?" I smirked and began roasting the fowl along with the sweet flowers.

"Weakness? Heh, pathetic. A loyal subordinate of the Tsaritsa has no vulnerabilities." The tall man traps me between his arms on the kitchen counter. I shiver as he grows closer to my face, inch by inch. At one point, I felt his breath on my cheek, causing me to turn bright red.

"But you are strong...I don't mind keeping you by my side." He twists a strand of my hair as he gazes into my e/c orbs. I dwell deeper in his ocean eyes, finding myself lost in the mysteries and tragedies he hid. His breath against my skin made it hard to breathe properly. I found myself slowly giving in to the fuzzy feeling that made me drowsy.

"..." A long silence passed and his lips met mine. The sudden touch slapped me back to reality and I pushed him away, hastily wiping my mouth. Yet it couldn't erase the foul wet mark he left on me. The bastard bit my lip on purpose!

"What did you do?" I licked the blood that slowly emerged from the broken skin. Strangely, it did not taste like blood. It tasted like plain water.

"I just kissed you, pretty lady." He smiles innocently. "Ah, it also left a mark. A mark that only some people can find. With that said, I shall go now! See ya!" He hops out the window with agility and right after he left, the door to the house opens.


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