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Dream's POV


all the breath is sucked from my lungs in one fell swoop. so many thoughts scratch at the edges of my mind and beg to spill free from my lips.

you're amazing. whenever you move, it's so graceful that you should audition for Swan Lake. your hands intoxicate me. your voice is so smooth, i would kiss your lips until you said my name with it. i want you. i think i always have, i just needed the final shove of us being literal soulmates to open my eyes. i want your touch, and i crave it, George.

all within about 2 seconds. i squeeze my eyes shut until it hurts and open them with a snap, finding George sitting back down on the bed. now, i'm by his feet, his knees level with my shoulders. my hands clutch the carpet beneath me as George chews his bottom lip.

"what do you mean, i'm beautiful?" he asks quietly. his smooth voice cracks slightly, and his addicting eyes don't have the bravery to meet mine.

"i-i'm not lying, Georgie. just the truth."

he looks up at me with watery eyes. "really? you mean it? nobody has ever said that to me. nobody says stuff like that to me."

i scoot barely a hair closer to him and moisten my dried tongue. this feels so wrong. George and Christie only broke up a couple days ago, and he's not even fully repaired from today at lunch, but i'm making him cry again.

"yeah, yeah i do mean it. there's so much about you, George. you deserve the world. you deserve a perfect soulmate who can give you so much, not some shitbag that cheats and lies and bullies you. i mean it."

his lips part gently as he searches my face with his eyes, tracing my details. it makes my skin crawl wonderfully and warmly. i wish he would say what he's hiding behind those eyes.

"you know, i-"

"dinner's here!" Drista screams up the stairs from downstairs. i jolt upright, not realizing how far i was leaning on my hands, and George's eyes fly open.

"oh! dinner. let's go, then." George exclaims before getting up and hurrying out of my room and sliding down the stairs on his socks. i can almost feel the tension in the air snap like a rubber band. words spill from my lips in mutters as i trudge downstairs to the ever-growing smell of pizza and garlic sticks, words that i could've said but i didn't. because it would ruin everything.

when my feet hit the dining room floor, i see my mom and sister unpacking three pizzas onto the table, George grabbing the drinks from the bag. i sit down and put my phone in my jean pocket as the rest of my family and George sit around me and start eating. the pizza is delicious and the sauce bursts with the dough against my tongue, salty and spicy.

George seems to like it, as well, although he gets some of the marinara sauce on his pants, so my mom made me take him upstairs to give him a change of clothes until she can wash his own. 

we wash our dishes and go upstairs, where George just stands in my room playing with his thumbs and never looking at me when i notice. i toss him a pair of sweats that i outgrew a couple years back and he speeds into the bathroom to change. he comes back out, and they're fairly baggy, but he thanks me anyways.

after dinner, i suggest we go into the basement to watch a movie where it's quieter. Drista goes insane when she overhears this.

we settle in, my mind fuzzy and out of focus, and George picks a movie called 6 Feet Under. says it hits him right in the heart, so i mumble an agreement and sink deeper into the hot couch cushions. i blank out for a little as words float past the screen and into the thick air and hit my ears but bounce off anyway. 

the body beside me, George, my soulmate, doesn't register in my vision, even as my eyes flutter shut and he pulls me closer to him and shares our heat as one form and source. my heavy eyes drag me into a nice sleep as his head falls onto my chest, facing away from the movie now. i can feel his breath tickle against my collarbone gently, and my heart flips and flutters as i fall asleep.


i wake to a knock on the front door. i jolt up, waking George as well, who gets thrown off the couch as gracefully as could be. he yelps and sits up with a start, turning to me.

"what the hell?!" George exclaims.

the front of my shirt is wrinkled and smothered to my chest, and it clicks in my mind what happened. George fell asleep on me, i assume.

"i think you fell asleep. sorry for waking you. but uh, there was someone at the door. i'll go get that." i stammer. George nods and yawns slightly, and i take the moment to dash up the basement stairs 3 at a time, sliding up to the front door on my socks. the windows signal that the sun is setting at this point, and my mom and sister are nowhere in sight.

i unlock the door and swing it open to a gust of cold wind and a crazed Sapnap. he blinks a couple times.

"oh, uh, hey Sap. what's up man?" i ask him.

"is George here? i remember you two leaving early. is he still here?" Sapnap's words rush out of his mouth faster than his own brain.

i nod slowly, and without another thought Sapnap steps into my house and strips his jacket. "basement, i assume? hurry. please."

i follow him back down to the basement and another wave of the broken AC's consequences. George is sunk into the couch on his phone, cheeks flustered from the heat. he looks up and sits up real quick when he sees Sapnap pacing there.

"Sapnap? why are you here?" George mumbles. Sapnap rolls up the sleeve of his sweater and rubs an area over the pale inside of his forearm. his pupils are huge and drown out the blues of his irises.

"look. Dream, look."

i lean over his shoulder to look at his arm. a conversation is scrawled there, two different handwritings, two people. a clear exchange between soulmates.

hey, Nick

oh! hey!

are you free tomorrow? if so, meet me at the corner of Wellstone Street at like 5pm.

oh? you're ready?


i'm glad :)

good. be there. i love you

"what do i do, man?! what the heck do i do?" Nick exclaims, voice cracking in pain. at this point, George is on his other shoulder, eyes scanning Sapnap's arm from top to bottom. he looks up and meets my eyes, shrugging.

"go there. meet her." i say.

both boys look at me, Sapnap with a pleading look of bargain and George with a gaze of almost admiration.

Nick's gonna get his soulmate before i do.

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