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[A/N: time to write on my computer. i only pull this thing out in the most dire of situations, and this seems to call for it. time to torture my readers.]

you're the piece missing from me,

but you fit wrong.

my hands hover where you used to be

but only cold memories

of your harsh words


you don't love me.

you love who you thought i was

before i told you the truth.

you love the lies,

the lies i've made.

Wilbur's POV

he comes to me crying, snow covering his clothes and his nose as red as his bloodshot eyes. i try to coax a single word out of him to no avail. 

we've never had the best relationship. haven't interacted or even talked much, unless he had broken down and yelled, or at one of the gatherings of our little popular friend group. but he never paid me much attention.

today is different. he treats me like a person, if not more. he's a shell of the person he's put up for the world. vulnerable and shaking and sobbing. sad.

it's nearly midnight when he comes to me, but i still let him in my house and sit him down. i give him a glass of water, still no words pass between us. his eyes say enough. cracked and broken, despite being barely an adult, and he's experienced heart break at its raw finest. 

when he's finished his water, he stares down into the empty glass and goes blank. i can't stop looking at him. i don't know what to do with him.

"he doesn't love me, Wilbur. he left me." he croaks. it sounds like his voice hasn't been used in ages.

"who, Dream? your soulmate?" i ask him. like a deer, i go nice and slow to make sure that he doesn't freak out and run away.

"yes. George. he told me that i make him feel so many things, so then i told him that we're soulmates, and he didn't believe me, so i proved it and he turned me away." he whispers. i sit in silence.

"sometimes.. sometimes heart break is painful and truthful and raw. and there's nothing you can do about it. there's no way to block it off or avoid it. you just have to let it take you over, give yourself up to the pain. but.. just, try to give him time, okay? George cares about you. a lot. i know how he looks at you. it's not just a friendship, isn't it? you're soulmates for a reason. the universe wants you together."

the universe wants you together. i think i struck a nerve with that final blow. 

he looks up at me. Dream's eyes are an artful mix of green and small streaks of hazel. now, those eyes are sad and snapped. George mattered to him, so much. now, George is everything that has mattered and ever will to him.

i don't know what to do. i can't change the future or the past or even the present. i'm just me.

"can you sing me something, Wilbur? i need to forget. at least tonight." he mutters. it's a strange request, but i still oblige and get up to grab my guitar from my room, going up the stairs 3 at a time.

"what song?"

he thinks for a moment. "Love It Dissipates by Mother Mother."


if you were a country,

i'd be your flag

if you were a smoke

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