Chapter 1: The Library

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Brittnay's POV:

"What's so funny?" Santana asked me as I was sitting on the floor of the library looking through my favorite book, Great Expectations.

"Their names...", I replied "Pip, Mr. Wopsle, Uncle Pumblechook. They all sound like stuffed animals."

"I can't believe you already finished it!" Santana exclaimed as she sat down next to me on the library floor.

"Want me to tell you what happens? I can make you a cheat sheet." *Santana smiles* "You know you should really let me braid your hair sometime", I say while running the end of Santana's ponytail through my hand. Santana always had the most beautiful long black hair ever since she was a child.

*Santana looks into Brittnay's sparkling blue eyes* "I had a dream last night... Britt, you and I performed an incredible duet with the glee club that won us Sectionals, Regionals, and carried us all the way to Nationals. It doesn't matter how tough the competition is going to be this year, with my voice and your dance moves we will be unstoppable", Santana said with a big smile on her face... I never got sick of seeing her beautiful smile.

Everyone at Rosewood High thought Santana was a cold-hearted bitch, but not me! She has a whole other side to her that she typically hid from the rest of the world, but when we are alone I always see it shine through. "That's why I love you..." I replied still looking deep into Santana's eyes. "You're big on happy endings... so is Dickens by the way. Pip gets Estelle in the end. Can I read you something?" *She simply nods* "I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope against happiness, against all discouragement that could be... Did you get to that part yet?" Santana nodded her head slightly and moved her lips just inches away from mine. Time froze as I glanced from Santana's eyes to her lips and back to her eyes. Then, I leaned in and crashed our lips together. The moment our lips touched electricity ran through every inch of my body. This kiss, despite its short duration, was unlike any kiss I've shared before with anyone. Our lips parted, but our eyes remained locked together.

Santana's POV:

I cannot believe Britt just kissed me. I mean it was really hot, but I like guys... not girls. She probably didn't mean anything by it. She has hooked-up with over half the school anyways. To her a kiss is just a kiss and nothing more. "C'mon Britt, we are going to be late to cheer practice!" I say standing up and breaking our trance. I pulled Britt to her feet. We interlocked our pinkies like usual and walked confidently down the halls of Rosewood High until we reached the locker room.

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