Chapter 5: The Locker Room

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After Glee Club...

Santana's POV:

I pulled Britt aside after we both left the choir room. "Looks like neither of us won the dinner to Breadstix after all", I said.

"Yeah, I guess not", replied Brittnay as she turned to walk away.

"WAIT... Look Britt, I'm sorry about the duet thing. I know I was mean to you, but that's just how I am. Can we just put this behind us? I miss you."

Brittnay just smiled at me and extended her arms for a hug. I pulled her in close and wrapped my arms around her. We pulled apart and I kissed Brittnay on the cheek. "See you after class!"


The End of the School Day...

Brittnay's POV:

"Hey Santana, are you ready for Cheerio practice?" I say as I walk up to her locker.

"Yeah, let me just grab my things and we can go." Santana grabbed her backpack and we walked down the halls of Rosewood High with our pinkies locked together, while everyone ran in fear to get out of our way.


After Practice...

Santana and I walked into the locker room after Cheerio practice. We needed shower and change our clothes before heading home. I was already finished showering and getting dressed first, but Santana was still wrapped in her towel. I gathered my things, while Santana dried her long, wet hair.

"I need to find a French family that is dying to host a nice girl from Pennsylvania", says Santana with her back to me. Then she turned and dropped her towel half way down, so her top half was completely naked. "Paris would be so awesome", she continued while I just stared at her beautiful body. "Roll out of bed, eat a croissant, shop for two hours, take a nap in the luve, eat another croissant, shop for two hours." She grabbed her lace bra that was hanging from her locker. "Have you seen this? I got it from a French catalogue. They have them in like every color. Do me a favor... hook it for me would you?" I just smiled, so she turned around with her un clipped bra on. I stepped closer to Santana and moved her wet hair off her back. Then I reached down and hooked the back of her bra together. I slid my hand slowly down Santana's arm and inched my lips closer to her neck. I gently pressed my lips against her soft skin. Santana turned around immediately and she looked angry. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I j-just..."

"You just what? Just because we kissed in the library and in your room Brittnay, doesn't mean I'm into you like that. A kiss is a kiss. I like boys. And trust me if I'm kissing you, it's practice for the real thing."

I just grabbed my towel and bad and started to walk away speechless.

"Where are you going? You're my ride. Remember?"

I stopped at the last locker and just stood there. I was so upset, but I couldn't cry. At least not her, not now. I took Santana home and we spend the whole ride sitting in silence.

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