Chapter 10: The Fight

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Flashback to the night before Emily left
Third Person's POV:

Emily had spent her last day in Rosewood saying goodbye to all her friends. It was the summer after eighth grade and Emily was leaving for over a year. The five girls were inseparable and could barely go a day without seeing each other never mind a year. And of course Emily had saved Alison's goodbye for last. The two went down to the lake by the kissing rock and laid on a blanket staring up at the stars. They both laid there in peaceful silence enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, Emily saw a shooting star. She elbowed Ali and together they admired it's beauty. The two of them interlocked hands the picture perfect goodbye.

"Ali, canI tell you a secret?" Emily whispered. She turned on her side and Ali did the same so they were facing each other. Ali raised her eyebrows encouraging Em to continue. "I'm going to miss you the most. You'll be the hardest one to leave behind."

Alison smiled as she replied "Can I tell you a secret?" Emily nodded. "I know." Her smile grew even bigger. "And Em... I know you're in love with me." Emily just laid there frozen. Ali had actually left her speechless. "It's okay Em. I've known for a while. Ever since I first kissed you I've known. Remember that day? After my boyfriend broke up with me you hours making me laugh... And you only confirmed those feelings the following week when I "randomly" kissed you at Noel's party during spin the bottle."

Thousands of thoughts were racing through Emily's mind. She had no idea how to respond or what Ali mean't by telling her all these things. "I love you Alison" is all she could say. Emily looked from Ali's to her lips and back to her eyes again. Alison slowly moved her face closer to Emily's. "I love you too." Then Emily immediately closed the gap between them and their lips interlocked. It was a hard passionate kiss. Em could feel Alison's love for her through the movement of their lips.

Suddenly, Ali pulled away. "Em, stop... I like boys!I love you, but just not like this."

Emily wasn't convinced by the words leaving Ali's mouth. "But Ali, you have feelings for me too. You can't keep hiding from them because you're afraid of what people will think. It's okay to like boys and girls. It's even okay to like boys and just me."

"Please stop Emily. I like boys and ONLY boys" Ali stated in frustration.

A tear trickled down Em's cheek. "I'm just going to leave now. This isn't how I wanted our last night to end." She stood up, but Ali quickly grabbed her hand.

"Don't leave Em" replied Alison desperately. Now the two were both standing facing each other. "What can I say to make you stay?"

"You can tell me that that kiss meant something!" Emily said as a steady stream of tears began to fall down her face.

"I-I-I can't" Ali whispered. Now she was also crying.

"So all the times YOU kissed ME meant nothing?" replied Emily who sounded so broken.

"I felt sorry for you. Those kisses were just practice for the real thing" stated Ali, like it was no big deal.

"You felt sorry for me?? Ali you've never felt sorry for anyone in your life. You used me. I didn't want to believe it all these years because I was holding onto hope. I was living out this childish fantasy that some day, even after a hundred more boyfriends that you'd finally realize that YOU were in love with ME too. You'd finally realize that I am the only one that has ever actually cared about you and stood up for you. Hanna was right! I couldn't see that before, but now everything is crystal clear. You used me. You manipulated me. And you played with my feelings!" Emily was now screaming at Ali. It was the only way she could react without completely falling apart. Her heart felt as it had been ripped out her chest and torn into pieces a thousand times over again. Emily's hope for Alison gave her the strength to get through everyday. The hurricane of emotion weighed heavy on her heart and it took all the strength she had left to continue on. "I HATE you Alison! I hope all the lies, manipulation, and bullshit catch up with you someday. No one will be there to help you out of it because I was all you had. Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow and won't have to see or think about you for entire year. You screwed up Ali. There is no fixing it this time."

Emily, fuming with anger, let it get the best of her and slapped Ali hard across the face. Ali stood there jaw dropped with her hand to her cheek. Emily immediately turned and ran away. After a few seconds of Alison trying to process what just happened she began to run after her. "EMILY WAIT!!" she screamed. After a few minutes of trying to catch Emily, Ali gave up. She was completely out of breath and had no real shot of catching up to her athletic friend.

Emily's POV:

I can't believe I just slapped Ali in the face. I don't think anyone has slapped her before, well maybe Spencer. I took off running because I had no idea what had happened. I could feel the tears coming harder and harder down my face to the point where my vision got blurry, but I didn't care. I heard Ali call after me, which only made me run faster. My house was about a mile away and luckily my mom was out when I got back. I ran straight through the front door, up the stairs, and into my room. I collapsed onto the bed sobbing, while struggling to catch my breath. All I remember is waking up at 3am all sweaty, puffy-eyed, and still in my clothes. I really need to shower, so I got out of bed and turned on the hot water. As soon as I stepped in and closed my eyes the events of the nights replayed in my head. Before I knew it I was crying again. The love of my life had broke my heart and I didn't think anyone or anything would ever be able to fix it. After I cleaned myself I put on an old, oversized Rosewood Sharks t-shirt and fell back asleep. And by the next morning I had left for my year in Haiti without seeing Alison again.

Alison's POV:

As soon as I stopped chasing Emily I fell to the ground in the middle of the woods. What had I just done? I told the only person who has ever really loved me that I didn't love her back and that their was no chance that I could ever love her the way she wanted me too. Why did lie Emily and to myself? It was only clear now that I was in love with her because the idea that this time I could really lose her forever floated into my head. Finally, a got up from the ground and made my way back to the blanket where Emily and I had just been. I laid down and stared up at the stars for the second time that night. This time all I could feel was pain. I slowly drifted off to sleep with the plan to tell Emily how I really felt before she left tomorrow. I woke up the next morning with the sun in my eyes to the beautiful day. It was only a few seconds of happiness until I remembered last night. EMILY! I had to go find her NOW! I took off running faster than I ever thought possible and made it to Emily's house in record time. I knocked frantically on the door. No answer. Then I turned my head to the driveway. Mrs. Fields car was gone. My heart sank. I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't to tell her I loved her. I didn't to taste her lips or breathe her sweet scent. Now she is gone for a year and will probably hate me FOREVER. 

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