Chapter 6: The Virgin

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The Next Day...

Santana's POV:

As soon as I get to school I see Brittnay with Artie. Brittnay's eyes meet mine for a brief moment and then qucikly dart away. I just roll my eyes at them and turn to walk down the other side of  the hallway. An unsetteling feeling develops in the pit of my stomach because Britt and I haven't talked since the locker room incident yesterday. I know I upset her, but I know she'll come around soon. I mean I'm her best friend. How can she possibily resist? She was just confused when we kissed that's all. Anyway I have a plan to get her away from wheelchair boy. *smirks* Britt even helped with the plan and she doesn't even know it... her mistake for taking poor Artie's virginity. Little does he know she was jut using him to hurt me. Soon all my cards will fall into place and Britt-Britt will be back at my side. Us against the world! 

*Bell Rings*

After first and second period I go to my locker to get my books for my next class. Just my luck... as soon as I shut my locker door I see Brittnay wheeling Artie down the hallway. Britt ignores me until she passes my locker and then she turns around. While still pushing Artie she motions an x across her chest with her hands and shakes her head back and forth. She says nothing and turns around pushing Artie to class. I still have one more period until lunch, but then I can make my move to bring Britt back to me.


*Artie wheels through lunch line*

"Hi Artie. There is something I need to tell you about my girl Britt... The only reason she asked you out is because I bailed on her for the duets. She was just using you for your voice to get back at me" I said.

"Santana, I don't believe you. What Britt and I have is real. She wouldn't have slept with me if it mean't nothing."

"Sex means nothing to Brittnay! She has slept with almost every guy in this school. Here, I'll Prove it to you."

(Santana to random guy in the cafeteria) "Hey, do you know Brittnay?!"

"Cheerleader Brittnay? Yeah, we had sex!" (random guy responds)

"See Artie? I'm just trying to look out for you now because we're in glee club together. I know Britt, and dating is not her thing..."

*Artie Sighs*

"Uhhh, I guess you were right Santana. Maybe you arn't as cold blooded as everyone thinks you are. Thanks for telling me."

"You're welcome, but don't get used to it."

*Santana smirks and walks out of the cafeteria*


Brittnay's POV:

After the locker room yesterday I don't know what to think... I mean I know I kissed Santana first in the library, but she was literally begging for it. And on my bed Santana intiated the kisses we shared. I'm just confused now because she freaked and shut me out. There is nothing wrong with two best friends getter a little closer. I know I'm with Artie now, but being with Santana too isn't really cheating because we have the same plumbing.

*Artie comes up to Brittnay at her locker*

"Brittnay we need to talk..."

"What is it Artie? Is everything okay?"

"No it isn't. I have it on good authority that the only reason you slept with me was for my voice. I thought we had something real."

"Artie, that's not true I really like you."

"Just stop Brittnay... You've slept with almost every guy in this school. For you sex is no big deal... After my accident we were'nt even sure if I was going to be able to do that and when we found out I could it was a big deal. To me my virginity was something really special and you took it from without even giving any thought. We're DONE Brittnay. I can't believe you hurt me like this."

*Artie turns around and wheels away*

"NO, Arite I'm sorry I didn't know. Please don't go. I really do like you."

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