hair dye

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From Skrillex: How was coming out of the closet ?

I rolled my eyes before rubbing the sleep out of them. It was early on a Saturday morning and I was actually kind of mad I wasn't still sleeping. After I had got home from school, I locked myself in my room, turned my phone off and practically chanted the lyrics of So Far (It's Alright) until I fell asleep around nine. Matty H. always knew how to calm me down. So when I read the text from Zain when I first woke up, it annoyed me, but after a few seconds all of yesterday came rushing back. I thought Zain was going to kiss me. Zain. Kissing. Me. And I was about to let it happen. I think I wanted it to happen. And that's why I had been hugging my knees tightly and singing to myself like I had just seen a ghost. I was definitely not going to allow myself to like Zain. Just the thought made me cringe. It just couldn't happen. He wasn't just- he wasn't... Louis. I needed to stick to Louis. Louis didn't make me feel like I was developing a phobia. Honestly what kind of date-able guy does that to a girl? One that isn't date-able that's who.

To Skrillex: y ask me?? U kno from personal experience :-)

Staying in bed, unable to move due to pure laziness, just listening to the sound of the rain drenching the outdoors almost had me falling back asleep when my phone buzzed on my stomach. I groaned.

From Skrillex: you fuckin woke me up damnit

And if I was tired I wasn't anymore from laughing and falling off of my bed.

To Skrillex: i just bruised my ass so

I untangled my legs from my fluffy comforter and popped my back. I tucked my phone in my knee sock and walked towards my closet. One look in the mirror and my eyes shot up towards the dark roots of my hair that were beginning to show. That definitely would not fly with ya homegirl. My leg buzzed and I sorta jumped from the weird sensation.

From Skrillex: What a pain in the ass ! aha xD

I shook my head. The fact that Zain had access to emojis but most of the time wouldn't use them would probably trouble me for years.

To Skrillex: literally lol

I texted Violet asking if she could come over and dye my hair today. I always had her do it because A) I certainly couldn't do it on my own and B) I most definitely wasn't about to let my mother take me to some stuffy salon that smelled like money in hairspray cans and would cost way too much for the simple procedure that was dyeing hair.

Slowly I picked out my clothes for the day, got out a fresh towel and set them by my shower. I frowned when Violet texted back saying she was helping Lucky babysit his little sisters today. I couldn't blame him for having her accompany him. Lucky had five little sisters, each at least a year apart. They were crazy little fire balls and although Lucky was an amazing big brother, they could definitely be a handful. I sighed and set my phone down.

I was halfway taking my nightgown off when my phone started ringing. While trying to yank the white dress off of me so I could get to my phone, I was partially blinded with the material in front of my eyes. So naturally, I fell backwards into my running shower. No, don't worry, I caught myself by grabbing onto the removable shelf with all of my various body washes on it. I just had soap in my eyes. But really I was okay.

I squinted my eyes as I turned my shower off, tossed my half-soaked waves behind me and answered my phone.

"Luna Lovegood," He said loudly into the speaker.

I would've rolled my eyes if they weren't burning right then, "Good one."

"So what are you up to today?" He asked, completely oblivious to my wounded state.

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