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As Lola tried to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, she stared down at her bare feet and for a split second panicked she'd left her crimson heels somewhere but then realised they were swinging in Alex's free hand as they bounced down the blurry corridor together. The heat from his other hand on her hip, the warmth of his chest as he held her back against him kept her upright and she wanted to turn her face and bury herself into his neck, inhale the cologne and his unique spiciness that had ultimately made her decide to forfeit the drinking challenge they'd engaged each other in.

Alex wasn't quite sure how they'd made it there in one piece, felt light headed and unstable himself but they were now in front of the hotel room door and he watched her slowly remove the key from the bag tucked under her arm, her dark hair falling into her eyes.

As Alex reached to stroke the strands back over her shoulders so that she could see the lock, she lifted her head and looked up at him, blinking slowly, her eyes wide. At the sight of his warm, brown gaze and the lopsided expression he pulled whenever he looked at her with alcohol in his system, Lola offered a giggle and Alex chuckled, giving her hip a squeeze.

"I fink yeh're droonk, Lola, love..." Alex chuckled, holding her steady as she gave a soft hiccup.

"Mmm..." she mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning further into his touch, he head dipping a little. "My head feels a bit..." she touched her temple with her finger. "...starry..."

"Starreh?" Alex questioned, raising an eyebrow and holding onto her as she turned fully to him.

Lola nodded excitably. "It feels like there are shooting stars in my head bouncing around... and if I close my eyes..." She demonstrated, her eyelids fluttering. "I can see space."

The corners of Alex's lips turned up and although everything else felt dizzy and out of focus, she was clearer than ever, surrounded by a shining golden aura as she giggled at her own ridiculousness, swaying on the spot. "Well, 'm jealous..." Alex slurred, drunk on her effervescence more than the cocktails they'd ordered at the bar. "I fink yeh 'ave a special skill, darlin'."

Lola stumbled suddenly forward, wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him, fingers twisting into the fabric at the back of his shirt and he chuckled, dropping her shoes and lifting her chin to look at her.

"Are you drunk too, Alexander?" she purred, tilting her heavy head into his gentle touch.

"Yeh..." he nodded truthfully, drawling. "I fink we're bof a lil' intoxicated..." A grin creasing his sheeny skin, Alex scrunched up his nose and leaned slightly forward to press the tip of it against hers.

Lola broke into a sudden infectious fit of giggles, her laughter shaking in her chest as it pressed against his and with her eyes closed, she opened her mouth to clumsily capture his lips in a kiss, holding onto him as he laughed shakily into her open mouth.

Her mouth tasted like the cherry vodka still burning on her tongue and he moved his lips against hers slowly, blissfully, could barely get lost in it because she was laughing too hard and he reluctantly drew away each time he felt the laughter bubbling over, each time her head fell back slightly.

Lola moved her fingers up into his hair, trying to hold herself against him to deepen the kiss but she couldn't stop giggling and he couldn't stop responding in the same way, her laughter deliciously full of joy and addictive. He pressed kisses to the corners of her lips as she tittered in response.

Lola unlocked her fingers from his hair and began to pull his shirt out from where he'd tucked it at the waist, her hands pressing against his warm, toned abdomen with impatience.

"C'mon, Lola, love..." he chuckled deeply, leaning back as he watched her eager attempt to undress him. "Let's get in the fookin' door first..."

He took the key from her and missed the lock twice before slotting it in and turning it with a victorious giggle.

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now