The Mirror's Image (Halloween)

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Lola stood in front of the hotel room mirror, securing the soft waves at the side of her head with hair grips whilst keeping the style as sleek and shiny as she could. The light spray of her perfume floated around her neck as she applied it, then she stepped back, hand on hip as she admired her put together look, sure that she'd made the right choice in reaching for her red lipstick as it matched the neck tie perfectly.

Though she'd heard his mumbles and singing from the other room, she hadn't seen Alex for half an hour now, a decision which was her own fault entirely as she'd insisted on the two of them getting ready separately, as although they'd planned the costume together, she wanted the first moment of seeing each other all dressed up to be special, wanted him to blow her mind and hoped she'd do the same in return, but she was impatient now and longed to admire him.

"Are you ready?" she called toward the bathroom, turning her body to the door in the hope he'd step out instantly.

"Joost comin', darlin'..." he drawled thickly.

She listened to the spray of his cologne, knew he was patting it into his skin, then the door clicked and he stepped out before her, the dark smoulder combined with what he was wearing making her stomach flip.

His shoes were shiny, the dark material of the suit trousers clung to his thighs, crotch and ass, accentuating the curve of it and the suit jacket was tailored perfectly, decorated with golden buttons and accents at the sleeves, the tight fit accentuating the muscles underneath. Tucked under his arm was a pilot's hat and as he swaggered closer, she was desperate to pull him towards her by his red tie, wanted to undo the white shirt beneath it, touch him, claw her nails over his skin and feel him moan against her mouth. He was buzzed, golden and glowing, his smirk challenging, but his eyes gave away just how excited he was too.

"Fookin'ell..." Alex groaned, lips parted with a breathy exhale as he stared at her. He took in every detail, the way the skirt's material clung to her thighs, how the belt cinched her waist and drew attention to every curve, the material of the blouse low-cut but structured, drawing his gaze shamelessly to her cleavage. He took a step closer and brushed his thumb beneath her chin, angling it upwards and smirking as her eyes fell to his. "'ow d'yeh make everehfin' so fookin' sexeh, Lola, love?"

Lola shrugged and pressed herself closer to him, asking the same of him in that moment and felt the fire that continually burned for him spark excitedly in the pit of her stomach when his hand came down on her ass, the palm spread out flat over the material of her skirt, heat singing her skin. Alex gave a rough squeeze and she squealed, shifting closer into him.

"Uh uh-" she rasped, shaking her head, biting down on her lip then lifting her gaze to his again. She placed her hand firmly on his chest, next to the pocket where his aviator glasses were. "Neither of us will make it through this evening if you plan on touching me like that."

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Can't beh a lil' rough wif ya tonight, eh? Can't 'andle it?" he teased, leaning in to press a warm kiss to her lips which rendered her of any possible response. "Mmm?"

There was a thrill to the prospect of a night together where nobody knew them, where Alex wouldn't be recognised, in a country where nobody would remember them once they left the club, where they could play every game and tease as much as possible without being detected, where the reward when they returned to the hotel room would surely be worth the torturous wait and the idea of his touch all night was something she wanted to struggle with, knew she would beg for if he asked her to.

He didn't wait for a response, was in the mood to do whatever he desired to regardless of her warning and instead gave another squeeze of her ass, grabbing a tight handful, his nails digging in sharply, his expression completely unfazed by her soft whimper when her lips parted. "Weh should get goin'... dun't wanna queue outside the club for fookin' ever..."

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