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Wheeling his suitcase towards the arrival lounge, Alex had a premature grin twitching in his lips. The doors peeled open automatically as he approached and he straightened his posture, adjusted his aviator shades where they were sat on his nose and he strode through, looking for her.

Lola turned her head as the doors revealed him, unsurprised that the mere sight of him after a week apart had her desperate to touch him. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned, the skin beneath it certainly more tanned than it had been before he'd left and his jaw was incredibly sharp, handsome in his cocky grin, his confident swagger towards her, the shake of his hips. She swallowed the need to run to him, waiting for him to approach her instead.

"Oh," Alex scoffed, "I'll come teh yeh, eh? Yeh stay there, love."

Lola resisted the urge to laugh, the corners of her lips turning upwards just at the sound of his voice.

Alex lifted his sunglasses into his slicked back hair. "Yeh've missed meh," he grinned, pointing at her as he slowed the trolley with his case on. "I kno' yeh 'ave."

Lola nodded, then tilted her head as if to question her own impulse. "Maybe."

He pushed his tongue into his cheek and shook his head. "The bloodeh cheek."

His hand came down on the small of her back to bring her close and Lola was immediately flooded with his scent, his touch, his undeniable intensity.

"Not wha' yeh told meh on the phone last night, eh?" he whispered, raising one eyebrow in a challenge.

Her hand went up automatically to reach for his arm, stroking the bicep beneath his shirt, body gravitating into his. She shook her head at her own weakness, frustrated. Knowing now that she was already defeated, Lola rolled her eyes and took his chin between her finger and thumb. "Please just kiss me already."

Alex nodded his head without a second's hesitation, giggling in victory at how easily he'd won. The sudden touch of his lips parted her lips with ease and she stroked her hand up over his arm and shoulder, twisting her fingers into his hair as the kiss deepened.

Slowly loosing control, the kiss building far too much in desire considering they were in public, Lola moaned. Alex chuckled. She cursed him under her breath, but pulled him back in for another.

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now