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"But babbbbeehhh..." Alex groaned. "I joost wanna love yeh..."

He nestled closer to the warmth under the covers, the comfort of her body. His hands slipped beneath the t-shirt she was wearing and though she'd still been on the verge of sleep when he'd stumbled in and climbed into bed, now the temperature shock made her body convulse.

"Jesus, fuck, Alex! Your hands are frozen!" Lola gasped.

Alex giggled, his voice thick with intoxication and sleep. "Well I've been outside, Lola, love..."

She squirmed against him, but he was quick to drag her closer, inhaling deeply, close to a snore already.

"I'm warning you, Al. Quit touching me..." Alex shuffled again as Lola shivered. "... your feet are cold!"

"I need yeh teh warm meh up..." he grumbled, pressing his face to her back. "C'mon... love meh, Lo."

Lola groaned, rolled her eyes, then shifted in the bed until she was facing him. She caught a glimpse of the sleepy expression he was wearing before his eyes closed again, heavy, weighed down by drink and his smile pulled into a winning smirk. He instinctively crawled closer until his head was on her chest.

"Boob pillow..." he hiccuped. "Mm'comfeh..."

"I'm glad you are," she tutted, shaking her head as she got comfortable against the pillow, but couldn't resist bringing her fingers up into his hair to stroke through it. He was so subdued and irresistibly silly like this. The lack of inhibitions and open neediness was worth the chill he'd brought in from outside a million times over.

Alex yawned. "Yeh're a dream, darlin'. Take care of all meh needs, eh?" He turned his head to press a giggly kiss just left of her cleavage.

"You're extremely lucky I love you, Alex," she whispered.

He sighed, winding and locking his arms around her waist so that she wouldn't let him go. "Tha' I am, Lola, love... Tha' I am."

Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyond 🏩 (alex turner x oc one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now