Chapter 7-Special Exam-Part 5

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It has been tiring till now. Ibuki had agreed to my plan. She had her own qualms about the situations but she had no choice. She must be unsure who exactly she is working for. Because she came to this class to infiltrate under Ryūen's orders but she is now going through plan of my own.

Things sure take a turn, for better or for worse.

Currently my concern is Horikita who is the leader of the class. It's the third day and her sickness were starting to take a toll on her. I had gotten quite early. I wondered whether I should go up and stroll outside. Before I could think anymore, we heard someone yelling, "ALL THE BOYS GET OUT OF THEIR TENTS NOW!".I recognized that voice as Shinohara's. Slowly all boys woke up not at all happy from being woken up from their sleep.

We looked at half of the girls of our class were standing in front of me and the other boys. They looked angry for some reason. My sixth sense told me that something bad was going to happen but I managed to suppress it and stood among the other boys.

Hirata being the sensible one nervously went ahead and asked, "Shinohara San, Is something the matter?"

Shinohara on seeing hirata immediately went to him and started saying, "Hirata Kun the boys have done it now."

All boys turned towards shinohara not understanding what she meant.

"Today Karuizawa San woke up to find her underwear stolen."

Silence. It took a minute for the words to process in every mind which had heard her.

Hirata became a little serious, "What do you mean, how is Karuizawa is she alright." He went into a concerned boyfriend mode. But to me that looked like a normal concern a friend would have.

"No, she is a mess. She has been crying since she found out. Kushida san and Maya san are comforting her inside. Honestly speaking I never expected boys of our class to be this bad. "She said throwing a look of disgust at the boys.

Sudo noticed this and didn't take the insult quite well as he started shouting, "I what the hell are trying to prove. If anything happens you all put the blame on boys. What about that Class C girl, why won't she do it?"

Shinohara just tched and ibuki simply ignored Sudo, "She won't do it. She is a girl and she knows how Karuizawa is feeling. Unlike you lot, just a bunch of perverts."

This time Yukimura spoke, "That's just idiotic reasoning you have. Why would we be even interested in her. Ask her boyfriend for that matter."

Shinohara took offense and shouted at him, "huh who are you calling an idiot huh. Shut up you four eyed closet pervert."

Hey he didn't even call you an idiot even if you are a one.

Yukimura got angry and almost charged at shinohara if hirata had not stopped him.

Shinohara flinched and her face showed that she had realized she went a little too far. But still her pride took better of her and she continued,

"Did you see. He was about to hit me." Shinohara said giving another look of disgust to Yukimura.

The other girls voiced their support for shinohara blindly. This angered Yukimura even more. The situation was about to get worse when suddenly matsushita came and stopped in front of me and called out loudly for the whole class to hear.

"Ayanokouji Kun do you have any idea about this?"

Everyone gave looks of confusion to her. I too stayed calm.

"I don't "I replied.

"Then there is no problem if I check your bag right"

Why would I have a problem?

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