Chapter 4-Nagumo Miyabi

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I set off towards school with ichinose beside me. We kind of met in the elevator. Turns out we live in the same dorm wing. I expected her to be with someone as she is one of the most popular girl in the school year. But that wasn't the case or so it seemed to me.

"So Ayanokouji Kun, how are your studies coming along? "Ichinose asked me breaking the silence I was enjoying.

"Well, I have studied enough to clear the passing criteria I guess." I replied.

"They say the term exams would be in a special way. Might be another special exam."

Now this attracted my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to draw out some useful information.

"Hoshinomiya sensei told us about it last week."

Hoshinomiya Chie. The homeroom teacher of class B. I had met that woman only twice and I knew that she was a huge pain to deal with. Both of the times we had met she had put rather a lot of effect in seducing me.

I didn't question any further as not to give rise to any troublesome suspicions.

We continued on the way to the school with a lot of people joining our duo to form a group of eight. All of them wanting to talk to ichinose. I kind of became the ninth wheeler if such a term exists.

Ichinose threw me an apologetic response but I just waved it off and went ahead. As I entered the corridor, I saw Kamuro so I decided to greet her.

But a surprising thing happened.

She looked at me and just went away. Not even bothering to acknowledge me. What was the problem? Was it because I pointed out her sister's photograph yesterday? No, it's too soon to reach onto a conclusion. Its better if I focus on other things. I need to make some preparations for matsushita to take the stage. But I am suspicious of one person in the class. I first didn't think much about it, but now after so many instances of mood swings or in more accurate terms, personality shift. Something is definitely up with her.

I didn't notice that I had entered the class. I shrugged pushing away all these thoughts and took a seat.



The second period was granted for the team meeting. Both the teams were supposed to meet in the auditorium. Which meant that there was a chance I would be seeing the Student council president, Horikita's brother would be there too. This festival is gonna be quite interesting. Of course, I'm not going to do anything in the exam but when the exam ends, I will have to settle things with Ryūen. But first I need evaluate how strong he actually is. It is not advisable to go up against him unprepared. According to my current knowledge he has three people who are constantly with him. One being Ishizaki, other is a tall boy who is quite well built. And the third is ibuki.

Oh, talking about ibuki, I received a message from her. But it was deleted in one minute she sent. Sadly, I didn't get to see what the message was. It must have been a mistake, or why would she message me.

We got up and made our way to the auditorium. I was walking along the idiotic trio. For once they were talking about something apart from their perverted and twisted fantasies.

"What do you think sudo, how many are you planning to win."

Sudo laughed loudly, "Dunno, I honestly don't expect any competition. I've been training and playing sports my whole life. After my mama left me and father neglected me, I knew I was a scum. So, I chose this school. Here even someone like me can have a future."

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