Chapter 2-Plans

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It seems Ryūen has made me one of his pawn. At least that's what he is thinking. As Horikita has lost the trust she had in me, I need someone else. Another operator, but it is difficult to find one in our class. Hirata is no option. Kushida isn't trustable.

The only options which remain are Karuizawa Kei and a girl whose name is Matsushita Chiaki. But if I decide to use Matsushita then I would have to sacrifice Horikita, well things are definitely getting harder.

Why do I think Matsushita is important? Because she is holding back. At least that's what Horikita told me. But Horikita is yet to confront her. And the fact that she is holding back is known by only me and Horikita. But Horikita will surely take action impatiently. Therefore, I just have to gain her ability this exam.

It will be a hard one. Entertaining Ryūen and controlling my situation in the Class. But not that I have got any choice.

I sighed and made my way to the restaurant on the deck. Several Class D students shot me glares. It seems they still are suspicious of me. Not that I care. Silence is definitely more enjoyable.

I made way to sit at the table alone. I was quite surprised, although they suspected me, no one confronted me. It seems they believe in lies rather than asking me.

Thankfully I had Kamuro to talk to now. As I expected she made her way to my table. I had no problem being seen by people. Does it matter? She in Class A and me in Class D. It may increase suspicions. But seriously I don't want to remain alone for the whole Summer.

We started talking about trivial things. I actually talked more this time. This was a good change, I noted. When we were in middle of talking,

A person approached us, it was Katsuragi from Class A. He started speaking,

"Kamuro San, being the Class representative, I must ask you why are you here with Ayanokouji Kun."

How troublesome.

"I believe I have full freedom to choose who I want to be with Katsuragi. "Kamuro retorted.

He sighed and turned to me.

"I can't trust you." He said bluntly.

"Oh, sorry then." I replied nonchalantly.

He eyed me for few seconds and turned back to go to where the rest of A class was sitting.

"Now you know why I haven't made any friend in my class. They always keep talking about class points and strategies that they don't even care for someone's privacy. And even Sakayanagi is more tolerable than that Baldy."

Katsuragi was within range and heard Kamuro. Baldy huh, the description was quite accurate but I don't think Katsuragi was pleased. And I was right Katsuragi looked at her, but he was calm. But another A Class student didn't take it nicely enough.

"What did you say to Katsuragi San?"

He moved to grab Kamuro's hand but before he could touch her, I grabbed his and tightened my grip.

"Are you really a A Grade student, you were about to hurt a girl if I'm not wrong."

The student was shocked at my strength as he was not able to move his hand but kept quiet and looked down in shame when he realised what he had tried to do.

Katsuragi looked at him and told him, "Yahiko you should control your anger and don't ever raise your hand without any valid reason. Now go back I need to have some words with this boy."

He wanted to have words with me?

It seems I haven't yet realised but all eyes were on our table. Even my classmates were looking at the exchange between me, Yahiko and Katsuragi. They must be thinking, the quietest person in the class had silenced a Class A student. Well, hirata was about to approach me, to save me maybe, but he too had stopped when I grabbed Yahiko's hand.

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