Chapter 3 - Exposed

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"But even if we told anyone about your true nature they are unlikely to believe us. I don't even have interest in your nature or past" I asked her.

She just laughed and said, "It's true that you can't expose me even if you wanted to. Because I can expose you anytime. Though people might not believe because of your gloomy look you keep exhibiting. But they are most likely to believe the angel rather than the loner."

"Then why include me in your to expel list?" I asked her. Of course, I had no problem if she planned to expel me because I don't actually care. But I needed to know more about kushida. I needed to understand her modus operandi before planning what to do with her.

Expulsion was a good option for me but that would be a double-edged sword. First of all, she is quite popular meaning she knows many people. She is known as a trustworthy person in the year. So, if a condition arises where we have to make an alliance with another class, then she would be our trust and negotiating chip in the negotiations.

So as much as I want to expel kushida, I can't. At least not till, Horikita becomes the leader of the class. At this moment matsushita doesn't know what's right and what's wrong, she is just being manipulated by kushida.

"Because you are getting closer to Kamuro Ayanokouji." As she spoke those words, I remembered my conversation back during the three-legged race. When I understood kamuro's situation and kushida's connection to her.

"I warned you didn't I. Stay the fuck away from her Ayanokouji." Kushida said in a threatening voice.

I just kept silent waiting for her to continue.

"You think I haven't seen you with her. But you are just leading her. You think I can't see that. If her heart breaks one more time, she might not be able to take it anymore." She said in pure hostility.

I looked at her with amusement. She actually cares a lot about Kamuro.

"Why do you think that I will break her heart" I asked her.

At this she started laughing and turned towards the table. Then I realized, it was the same cup from which ibuki drank coffee some time ago.

"Could you please call that bitch hiding in the kitchen Ayanokouji Kun."

I sighed having been discovered and looked at the hallway. There stood ibuki, now glaring at kushida.

Kushida just gave her an angelic smile, "Eavesdropping is certainly not admiring, isn't it Ibuki san?"

Ibuki shot an even more nasty glare at her.

"What the hell are you on about from all this time. What is this about hurting that Kamuro girl?" She asked. It seems she isn't well acquainted with Kamuro. Well, Kamuro had in reality interacted with almost six students since she had entered the school. She was serious on staying a loner.

Kushida just grinned and said, " And why do you think Ill tell you anything. By the way Ayanokouji did beat you hard that day. That must have really hurt right. Go and cry to your mother..."

At this ibuki became angry on hearing the word mother and rushed at kushida. I could have stopped her but I had no reason to as it was between both of them. She punched kushida hard on the face.

Kushida's eyes darkened when she felt the stinging pain of her face. Her face was now that of seriousness.

Ibuki spoke with venom in her words, "So all this time you were a good person huh. Seems you were a bitch all along Kushida. Just show the people your real self. Just how bad of a person you are. Stop acting, it's so disgusting"

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