Road Trip.

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        *I found that meme yesterday,, and I thought you all would get a good chuckle out of it too! 🤣💚

The sun settles through the window, shining onto my exposed skin and warming it. The air conditioning is chilly, and I'm blanketless thanks to Kellan. He had jumped up to fix breakfast and bring it up. It's almost the same everyday. Three meals, humiliating shower if I've behaved and some crazy, uncomfortable, or painful experience. I'm debating on throwing my entire mind away, because I'm becoming accustomed to this. Eerily comfortable. The intimacy of it all, the nudity, the abuse have all destroyed my modesty and sense of morality. I've become so focused on staying alive that I've lost my ability to separate what I thought was my acting from my true nature.

I slept like a baby last night after I summoned the nerve to wake him and ask for water. He had instead brought me a warm tea, and it soothed me. Ibtry to stretch as best I can and situate my cramping neck. I had fallen asleep with ny neck in a bind. Kellan was still holding me when I woke.

I had watched him switch cards over from my phone he had busted to another. I'm not sure what the importance of this was, but he was so concentrated as he shifts through to be certain all my things had transfered. And then it hits me. The camera flash when he kissed me in my house! His advances. His use of words like team, ours, your man. He is creating a relationship, and making evidence to support it. Is this what he had intended all along, or a cover for when they connect him to my death? I am lost in thought, and eat my food mechanically when he returns.

"We have to make a trip today." I blink. A trip? My heart starts racing, but I conceal my excitement. If it's a public place, he can't keep my wrists cuffed, he will have to find another way to keep me under thumb. This makes me nervous and hopeful at the same time.

"Before you get excited, Alina, let me explain the details to you. Your house payment is due, and your mother and Dallas are suspicious of your lack of replying. So, I've texted them so they will let you be. Your payment wouldn't go through online, I found your purse and such in your house before you ask. It's probably better anyhow that you are seen out here and there just to cover our asses. This is a life or death situation for you, if you fuck up. I would go to prison for life if I'm apprehended, and I would die taking you with me before I go. Remember that. Should you run and pull it off, I have several addresses from your contacts." He waves the phone. "Old friends, family, your mom and dad." Who know who I could reach first before I was arrested. You're a good girl though, I don't have to worry I am sure." His words are ice cold, and sharp. The threat is clear as glass.

"I-I won't fail." I sigh. Truth is, I'm still going to look for my opportunity. If I can get a clear escape or opportunity.

"I pray you don't. I've gotten attached. I'd hate to have to waste you right in there for everyone to see. Or even kill someone you are close to after I turn you in for murdering Bobbi. It's on camera. I've watched it a few times." My face pales in realization. I had never considered that.

"You'll do well in prison. Cute, great ass. I'm sure your cell mate would keep just as well as I do in exchange for a little ass." I don't even dignify him him a response. I turn my head, determined to ignore him to an extent that makes him question his own existence. When you go to prison, you can give your cell mate some ass.

"Hit a nerve?" He smirks.

"No. You struck out." He cuts his eyes at me, but I can't seem to care. I'm going out. Any visible striking or causing me to limp will be noticeable. We'll be lucky to cover the scrapes on my wrists. What's he going to do?

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