Shampoo scents

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Violet's P.O.V

"Hey Aph" I greeted as me and Aaron approached the girl before school started.

"Hey Violet, Aaron" She greeted, turning to us.

"Shouldn't that potion have worn off by now" Aaron asked, also noticing that she was still a werewolf.

"Kawaii~Chan said it may last as long as a week now" She said sighing as her ears flopped and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Why are you laughing" She asked, tilting her head to the side well her ears flopped again and I chuckled again.

"Do I look that bad" Aphmau asked, sighing.

"No your ears are flopping" Aaron told her, sighing.

"What do you mean" She asked, tilting her head to the side as her ears flopped to the side again.

"You know how when puppies are little their ears will sometimes flop" He asked, and she nodded "The same thing happens to werewolves, when their young their ears can sometimes be to big for their head"

"That makes sense I guess" She sighed "But why is that happening to me"

"Probably because you would be considered a young werewolf" He said.

"I guess" She said, sighing as Kawaii~Chan came over to us.

"Hey Aphmau~Senpai and Violet~Chan" The meif'wa greeted us "And hello Aaron~Kun"

"Hey Kawaii~Chan" Aphmau greeted, turning to her.

"Did Aphmau~Senpai forget to brush her ears" Kawaii~Chan asked, tilting her head as she also noticed that the fur of Aphmaus ears was very knotted.

"I tried to" Aphmau said, rubbing the back of her neck "I'm not very good at it tho"

"You want me to help" I asked her "I have to brush my ears every morning anyways, I just need a brush"

"Kawaii~Chan has one Violet~Chan can use" Kawaii~Chan told me as we began walking towards the bleachers.

"Do we have enough time" Aphmau asked as we sat on the bleachers with her in front of me.

"Classes don't start for another 30 minutes" Aaron said, as Kawaii~Chan handed me her brush.

"Hey guys" We heard, turning to see Garroth and Laurence coming over to us as I began brushing Aphmaus ears.

"H-Hey" Aphmau said, looking at them.

"Hold still" I told her, moving her head back.

"So your a werewolf now" Laurence asked as he and Garroth sat in front of her.

"It's only temporary" She told them "Kawaii~Chan used a potion so I could help her during spirit day, but it's lasted longer then it was ment to"

"Makes since" Garroth said, shrugging "What is Violet doing tho"

"She didn't brush her ears and tail properly" I said, sighing before I smelt something strange.

"What smells like lavender" I asked, looking at my friends.

"O-Oh it's probably my shampoo" Aphmau said, seeming nervous.

"But you use rose sented shampoo" I said, slightly confused.

"How the heck do you know that" She asked, looking at me as I moved on to brushing her tail.

"Cat hybrids have a very strong sense of smell" Aaron explained "Violet could probably name the shampoo all her friends use weather they have told her or not"

Aaron's Hybrid Sister (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now