Where is everyone?

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I swear. I will kill him. This time I mean it. That IDIOT has just put giant, sticky, orange fly traps all over my floor! I can't even see my carpet! Ugh! Where does that freakbaby even FIND giant fly traps??

"GRANNY!!!!" I yelled," PUCK COMPLETELY RUINED MY ROOM!" Then I waited as patiently as I could for someone to come and see what I was yelling about. You see, sadly, this is a daily occurrence in the Grimm household. Puck does some stupid prank that he finds funny and then I have to scream for someone to help me out of it. Granny comes running upstairs to get me out of whatever gunky, sticky, weirdo mess Puck's twisted mind came up with. So in other words, today was a normal day.

Or so I thought.

I sat on my bed with my legs crossed for a few minutes when I started to get worried. I didn't hear Granny coming upstairs to help me. In fact, I couldn't hear anybody. Usually this rundown house is bursting at the seams in the morning to get all the people who live in it to work and school.

Uncle Jake and Aunt Briar share the attic. My mom and dad have the back of the three bedrooms on the upstairs level. Daphne and Red share the second bedroom and my bedroom is the one closest to the stairs. Also, Puck's room is across the hall from mine but I wouldn't really call it a bedroom. His room is magic and it feels like you're in a forest every time you walk in there. He sleeps on a blue trampoline in a clearing towards the middle. Just follow the path of laziness and stupidity. You'll find him.

The only other room upstairs is Mirror's old room. But we don't go in there much anymore. We're still stumped on how to get a new guardian for our magic mirror since Mirror betrayed us. But that is one long freaking story that I'll save for another time.

Granny's room, the kitchen, living room, dining room, and library are all downstairs. So is the one and only bathroom in this house. Yeah. It's just about as exciting as it sounds.

"Granny? Mom? Uncle Jake?" After listening for a minute and not hearing anything, I got up and tried to maneuver around the traps on my floor. I ended up getting to my door without falling on one.

I was proud of myself and smiled as I descended the stairs. Then I remembered, I still didn't hear anyone. I walked into the kitchen and nobody was in there cooking breakfast. No one was in the bathroom either. Or in the living room. As far as I could tell, there was no one in the house.

I stood puzzled for a minute before going over to the landline in the kitchen to call my mom's cell to see if she'd have any answers as to where everyone had gone.

I picked up the phone and noticed a post it note stuck to the side of the cabinet next to where the phone plugs into the wall. Before I could read it however, someone grabbed me from behind and I screamed.

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