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Hey! So really sorry to everyone for not updating recently...This school year has had a really hectic start and I've also been kinda going through some writers block. Anyway, thanks for putting up with me 😂 So on with the story!


I woke up in a pitch dark room aching all over, not to mention a terrible headache. As my eyes tried to adjust to the light, I reached up and rubbed my head. There was a small bump right in the middle of my forehead.

My eyebrows creased in thought, "Where did that come from?" I whispered aloud. Suddenly, memories of the man and Puck and the knife and gun came flying back. I jerked up to a sitting position and looked around frantically. It didn't help at all though because the room was still as dark as a black pit.

I ran my hands over my body assessing the damage. I had many little cuts especially on my arms and a couple bruises from where he had gripped me but besides that I was mostly okay. I sighed with relief. It wasn't as bad as I originally thought. I still didn't get it though. If he shot me, shouldn't I be dead?

Maybe I was dead. Maybe this is death. Just sitting in a darkness so thick you can't even see your own hands. Maybe this was it. Maybe you just sit with your thoughts and your wounds for eternity.

Just as I was beginning to think that in fact I was dead and the afterlife was a really lousy place, I heard a rustle coming from a little ways away. I scooted backwards until my back hit a cold, brick wall. I tired to sit as still as possible and quiet my breathing. I heard the other person, or other thing, shuffling around and groaning. They seemed to be in pain too.

Suddenly I realized that I recognized that groan. "Puck?" I whispered. I heard a louder grunt of recognition.
"Are you okay?" I crawled my way over to him using the noises he was making to guide me. My hands felt around on the floor in front of me until I felt his leg. That's when I felt the blood.

There was no way to deny that's what it was. It was all over his thigh and was thick and warm. I wanted to throw up. It felt like it was everywhere. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and then moved my hands up to cup his face.

"Puck? Puck, can you hear me? You're going to be alright. Granny Relda has shown me how to fix a million different wounds. I can do this. This is no biggie. None at all. All I have-" Puck put his hand over my mouth.

"Grimm, I swear if you don't shut up I'm going to kill myself before my leg kills me." I grimaced and then realized he couldn't see me so, my voice dripping with sarcasm, I said, "Well I'm sorry your highness. You can fix your own wound then. Excuse me for wanting to help." I turned around and sat with my arms crossed and my back to him.

He sighed, "Gri-Sabrina I'm sorry, okay? I just don't like hearing you get so weird. Quit worrying about me. I'm a faerie I'll be fine in no time." Slowly, I turned back around so that our legs were touching. "I know you're a faerie. I'm not dumb, but even faeries can't heal a wound like that quickly." He grunted as if to say watch me and then I felt him shift.

He then proceeded to cry out in pain like a little girl and fall back down. "Okay, so maybe I'm not so fine." I rolled my eyes. "You think?" I couldn't see him but I'm pretty sure he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Where are we anyway? Last I remember he shot you, that dick head. How are we even still alive?" I shook my head about to answer when a blinding light shown in forcing me to close my eyes. Another voice answered for me.

"You're at the base. And they were knock out bullets idiot. I can't kill you. Not until the queen gets what she needs from you."He snarled, "But on second thought, maybe I will kill you and make your pretty little girlfriend watch before killing her too."

I felt Puck stiffen beside me and before I knew what I was doing, I moved my hand over his and squeezed. He seemed to relax a bit but was still tense.

"Wow. You're exactly the same as how I left you. Still bitter and cold and cowardly. Tell me, did you even learn a little in two thousand years, Pan?"

Peter grinned, "Oh. I learned things alright. I've learned a lot of things."

I shivered. Oh crap.

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