Breaking Point

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Hello all! Just wanted to thank you again for giving me a reason to continue this story :) I love all of the comments I get! If you want to leave a few helping with my grammar or story comprehension I would love the feedback! I don't have anyone edit my stories but me, so I'm SURE I miss some stuff! Here's the next chapter 😊 Happy reading!

Sabrina POV

Standing in the door way, with a giant crown upon her head stood the one and only


"Yes, it's me! Are you surprised? Oh, I hope you are. You were right about the cameras by the way. It was so very much fun watching you suffer." She giggled and clapped her hands making her fluffy pink dress swish. Moth skipped right up to me and lifted my face with her dainty hands.

She stared right into my eyes and her little façade broke.

"I loved watching you crack. Watching as you came apart and lost hope. Poor little Sabrina, what has your life come to?"

I yanked my head away and made to scratch away her eyes with my hands because it was the only action I could get my feeble body to muster up. She snatched my hands mid air and pulled me even closer.

"You are like a rat in the sewer, crawling to your mush that you eat, clawing me with your tiny little nails. You. Disgust. Me."

I pulled away even harder and stood up on wobbly legs. Her goons who had been like shadows in the door frame behind her, made to grab me, but she stopped them with a wave of her hand as if to say that I was no threat to her.

I faced her. "You are literally named after an insect, Moth. You might be all high and mighty now, but don't pretend you are anything but the begging wanna-be royal who would do anything to get an oversized child to marry her."

She gasped and lurched forward, grabbing my throat. I reached up and tried to pull her hands away, but I was much weaker than I had previously thought. I choked and tried to suck in breaths. She grinned wickedly and squeezed tighter. I started to see black dots. She threw me against the wall and pushed even harder. I watched in horror as I looked in her eyes. For a split second, I felt that I could see her soul and I had never seen such evil.

I wasn't the one that had reach their breaking point, Moth was.

"Do you know how long I waited? Do you know how many stupid ass pranks I had to deal with, for CENTURIES? Do you know what all I sacrificed so that I could finally be a royal? To marry that awful, muddy boy? Ha! And to think, I used to think that I loved him! Can you imagine? The Hand has made me see the truth, what I am really worth and what I can really do. You have NO idea what I am capable off, rat."

I could barely make out what she was saying, she was shaking with rage and my feet were now off of the floor. I strained to try to get any relief from the growing clamp cutting off my windpipe. I could feel my rapid heartbeat in my neck. For a second, I thought about what would happen if it were to stop. Then I heard Puck whimper and I closed my eyes.

I would not die this way. I would not let Puck die this way.

My eyes snapped back open and I pushed back against Moth with all the strength I could possible gather from my drained body.

She stumbled back and fell on her ass with a shriek. I gasped for breath, leaning against the rough wall, trying desperately to clear my vision and head. She started to come at me again when Peter walked through the door. He grabbed her by the arm and whispered something in her ear. She visibly calmed down and then straightened her bubble gum monstrosity of a dress. After adjusting her crown, Moth stared me down again.

While she was regaining her composure, it gave me time to recover from my almost strangling. Slowly, I inched my way over to Puck. I stood over him as if to shield him from the terror that was his ex girlfriend. If she was telling the truth, she had been watching the whole time and knew how bad of a condition he was in.

If she was the "queen", she had to know what happened to his leg and why his stupid everafter powers weren't freaking working. How do you do that to someone you used to love?

As she started at me, I glared right back.

"I have more important things to attend to, but this is not over."

With that, she turned on her heel, and skipped out of the room.

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