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why does it always seem so easy on the outside. moments like this i struggle to believe everything happens for a reason i mean how could it, how could the things happen possibly ever have a rhyme or reason. i say this but give me a week and ill believe it again something will happen and i will start to understand. im starting to believe that everyone has there thing that keeps them from going crazy and mine, i think mine might be believing that everything happens for a reason, believing that in the end it all has to make sense, that its impossible for someone to be taken from this life without any real ending, how can it just happen. these people that have all changed something, that have all been here how can they just go without possibly being given the chance to leave their print on the world. maybe as time goes on things change, maybe people leave there imprint on the world everyday life is not a movie, i guess not everyone needs a grand final curtain close, maybe some people are so beyond great that they don't need it we all just kind off know what they did what they left behind. and those special people don't mind because they have faith in the fact that they didn't need a scheduled final big event to change something. i think the reason these people leave so quietly is because they didn't just change something they changed someone, they have someone to live on in because someone has gave them their heart and trust. maybe thats the whole point of life, for those who are great enough it dosen't matter how long it is because they live every day as there last, i used to hate that phrase but i think i might finally get it, living everyday as your last does mean you have to jump of a plane or fly to a different country everyday it just means that everyday you should find a reason, find something and grip on to it, hold it tight have faith in the people you love, make sure they know what they mean to you, give yourself peace. understand that even when you're gone you have a chance of living on. i hope that whats happened to her i really do, no i believe that is what happened she knew what was going to happen so she lived everyday to the fullest i never actually spoke to her although i really wished i couldve but it makes sense she put her faith in the best person she could've, this wasnt meant to happen i know it wasnt i wish more than anything it didnt. i truely believe with all my heart she lived on in the most special person in the world. i know she will do her so proud she couldnt possibly not do her proud, i believe in her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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