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After having gotten rest, I got myself up, and out of the tent.

I had no time to change clothing, as Saphira was getting impatient.

She had been wanting to talk about Quri, is what she said, but I think it was a little deeper.

I untied the flaps, walked out, and spotted Saphira in the now turning bright patch of grass.

I put the flaps down, walked over to her as quietly as I could, and shut out anybody except Saphira.

Quri could have a chance of being a Magician, and she didn't have to listen to the conversation anyways.

Hello, little one.

Good morning Saphira. What did you want to talk about involving Quri?

Little one, you do realize that she may be of some trouble?

What do you mean Saphira?

Fell-out-of-the-sky-girl can be a magician when all of the magicians are supposed to be under Nasuadas order. 

Oh, yes. I remember that.

Little one don't you see? She could be trying to do something. Maybe Nasuada sent her here, but why wouldn't she say anything about it if she knew who you were?

What do you mean? I don't know her, so how would she know me? I only met her when she fell out of the sky, and that was only a week ago. Today's only a week and a day.

I have searched her mind while she was asleep. I don't understand why she doesn't have any barriers up at night. But what I did find, was this.

Saphira showed me images and memories of a book.


That wouldn't make any sense though? How would she have gotten that? Who even wrote it?

That, little one, I don't know. There were never any memories of the creator of the book.

Ok, I cannot handle this. I will ask her about it later.

Well then, little one, I will see you in a few hours.

Goodbye Saphira.

Goodbye little one.

They split their line of connection only to where they could tell if one was being hurt.

As I turned around, a figure that I didn't recognize and couldn't get any thoughts or senses out of started to walk to me.


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