3 - It's been a while

36 2 0

23rd June 2025
Laura's POV
Phew... just finished writing the remainder of my songs for my next album. It took three days but definitely my best album yet :).
Laura - *Stomach grumbles* Jeez, clearly I need to eat something. *walks to the kitchen and opens all the cupboards* Oh great ... nothing in the cupboards. *Grabs keys* Looks like I'm going shopping *Walks to car*

Ross' POV
Ross: Babe! I'm going shopping you want anything?
Jaz: Could u get me my favourite ice cream please baby?
Ross: *chuckles* ok babe. Be back in 20 mins, love u
Jaz: Love u too!
As I'm driving to the store, I just can't stop thinking about when I'll see Laura again. I mean it's been five years and I miss my adorkable best friend. I just imagine what my life would be like if I wasn't stupid kissing Vanessa. We would have been happily married and have little Raura kids running around everything. *Sighs happily*
Ross: *swerves car almost hitting another* crap! *quickly swerves back normally* Maybe thinking of Laura is a bad idea. I mean I'm never going to see her again am I?
I arrive at the store and grab a basket and go straight to the alcohol aisle. What? I'm 29 I can do what I want.
Ross: *looks at vodka bottles*
?????: Can't choose how you wanna get pissed huh?
Ross: *I know that voice from anywhere, turns around happily* Laura!
Laura: *Chuckles* Hey Ross. God you haven't changed a bit *ruffles ur hair*
Ross: *tries to hold a moan and chuckles* Thanks Laura, I can see you are still a short gnome *shoves her shoulder*
Laura: Hey! *pouts* Just for that, you can help me with my shopping knowing that Tyler has James for a father son day.
Ross: Sure, I'll help you but let me just get my alcohol of choice.
Laura: *reaches for vodka bottle and puts it in Ross' basket*
Ross: *smiles* you still remember?
Laura: Of course *smiles* we might not have been together for long but I still remember ur 18th birthday where you first tried this... yeah that affected our bills cause you drank that like it was water *laughs*
Ross: *Laughs* Yeah, I have reduced the amount I drink. Now want help with your shopping Miss Marano?
Laura: Yes please Mr Lynch
20 minutes later...
Laura: *pays for shopping* Damn every week I feel like I spend £40 just on treats for James and it gets eaten in a few days. *looks at me* Thanks Ross, for this. It was good to catch up. *kisses my cheek*
She kissed my cheek! She kissed my cheek! Oh my god why am I fangirling over a kiss from my ex-fiancé from ten years ago?! Damn, it can't be what I think it is...
Laura: *snaps fingers in my face* Ross? Ross!
Ross: Huh?
Laura: You spaced out for like five minutes everything ok?
Ross: Oh.. Oh yeah of course just thinking if I forgot everything.
Laura: *chuckles* Ok then, hey I'm free on Friday. Wanna hang out then?
Ross: Sure, I would love that *smiles*
Laura: Great! I'll text you later. Bye Ross *walks to car*
Ross: Bye Laur!
Seeing her walk to her car and drives off suddenly makes me feel so lonely. Then, I feel a buzz in my pocket so I get my phone out and see ten messages from Jaz asking me where I am. Oh great... now I'm going to get interrogated by my girlfriend for an hour about where I have been. Should I tell her about seeing Laur? If I don't and she finds out she will be mad that I lied to her but if I do, she could get jealous so either way it's a lose-lose situation. No. No matter what happens, I'm seeing Laura Friday. Oh god, I have just realised something. It's the first time in five years since I've seen Laura... and this one meeting with her makes me know something...

I've fallen for Laur again... and this time, I want Laur to be mine.

Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since I updated this story but I promise I will try to upload once a week with each chapter being between 2 to 6 pages long. Let me know how this story is going and comment on what you want the next chapter to be about.
Stay safe guys!

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