This Lady's Spirit Animal Is Probably A Mosquito

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"Well that's all we have for tonight Mr Holland," Ainsworth says to me, hands clasped in front of her in her usual fashion, "Have you made your decision on which one of them you would like to choose?"

My eyes momentarily flick to the girl behind her, long enough to see her eyes roll under her mop of curly brown hair.

"Mrs Ainsworth-" The girl tries to speak but the old woman cuts her off.

"Best if you hold your tongue dear." She hisses.

I turn to the girl, "I don't remember meeting with you, are you also part of Second Chance Children?"

"Yes-" Once again she is cut off.

"NO!" Mrs Ainsworth spins on her heels and sends a sharp cuff to the side of the girl's cheek, "I told you to hold your tongue... girl."

The little girl's eyes water from the pain, but besides that, she doesn't give much of a reaction.

The old hag turns back to me, "I'm sorry you had to see that Mr Holland. Not all of our... students know how to follow orders."

From behind her, I see the girl gingerly rub her cheek, I could tell that the slap had hurt. She then reaches into her shirt and pulls out a single earbud, smoothly hooking it into her left ear.

"Mr Holland? Your decision?" Butts-worth was still staring at me.

"I would like to talk with this young lady," I nod behind her.

"Mr Hol-"

"I insist."

The woman huffs at me but gives in, "Fine, but only for 10 minutes." She turns and pinches the cheek of the little girl, the same one that she had just added a new bruise to, "Don't want to keep her up past her bedtime."

Ainsworth sends me a cold smile and floats back out of the room.

As soon as the door closes, the girl and I alike let out a relieved sigh. One I didn't even know I was holding in. I make my way back to the centre of the room and pull out one of the chairs for the girl to sit in, "Shall we get started?"

The girl plops down in the seat opposite me, still rubbing the side of her jaw from the cuff.

I motion towards it, "You know I can get you something like ice or-"

She continues to massage her cheek. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" I ask, pointing to the blue and purple splotches forming, "That looks like a lot of bruising-"

She huffs at me and puts her hand down, "I have haemophilia, I bruise easier than most. I'll be fine mister, really. It'll be gone in a week."

I stare at her, she didn't look like the 'haemophilia type', though I guess that was a little prejudice. "I'm Tom by the way," I say, after a second too long.

"I know... You're Tom Holland, you're a movie star, looking for a kid, and live with your friends Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine." She meets my eyes for a second but looks away. "Sorry, I just overheard you with the other kids."

Broken Half: A Tom Holland StoryWhere stories live. Discover now