Revealing My Big Secret... Dun Dun Dunnn!

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I breathe a sigh of relief. Now that the boys were taken care of, housing wise, I could get Morgan settled in a little bit more.

After getting that sorted up, we all agreed to meet back up at the Far From Home premiere and we would talk then. I ended the call and made my way over to MJ, who was still in the backyard with Pads. Now came the hard part, actually telling MJ what I did for a living.

"Uh-" I rub the back of my neck walking up to the both of them, "Paddy, you mind if I have a minute with MJ?"

They must have sensed my nervousness since immediately Paddy bobs his head and runs back inside.

Morgan, football still in hand, only stares at me confused. "Something you wanna say?"

I nod towards our back patio furniture and we both take a seat. Morgan still hasn't dropped the ball. I sigh and take a deep breath before starting my speech. "Morgan... MJ, with my job it isn't the most..." I search for the right word, "forgiving."

All she does is nod.

"I know this is only for a couple of months," I continue, "But that means you're gonna be in the spotlight a lot now, both for good and bad."

She nods again.

With no opposition, I move on, "So I wanted to tell you what I really do... what roles I'm currently taking, that way you already know before it comes out to the public."

Finally, she puts the ball down. "I already know."

I pause. "What?" How could she have-

Morgan leans forward in her seat, "Tom... even an orphan girl with only a single tie to the outside world can tell who you are." She chuckles to herself, "I mean it wasn't really that hard, your flat was basically a shrine to yourself. Either you were an over-the-top Spider-Man freak fan, or Spider-Man himself."

This time around I'm the one who's not saying anything. Well, she had everything right. One more thing I had to get off my chest now. "So I have an event coming up... it's about Spider-Man-"

She motions for me to continue, quietly juggling the ball between her feet.

"It's the premiere of the second film," I say, "It's gonna be huge, Jake Gy-"

Immediately her eyes shoot up "GYLLENHAAL?! October sky Gyllenhaal?!"

Not gonna lie, I did slightly jump back at her mini-explosion, "Uhh, yeah? I think he was in that film... Anyways, me, Jake and Robert-"

She interrupts me again, "DOWNEY JR?! Like the guy we saw on TV the other night?!"

I laugh, "Yeah the one and only. Yeah, we're all gonna be there and I wanted you to be my plus one for the night. I think it'll be a good way to get you out of your shell and you'll be able to see Marvel backsta-"

I look up and notice that she has sunken down into her seat and my mind immediately goes dark. Did I say something wrong? "MJ? Is everything alright?"

With heavy eyes, MJ slowly looks up at me, "You sure you want someone like me out there? Out in the open for everyone so see?"

I nod, "Well, yeah... Why wouldn't I?"

Broken Half: A Tom Holland StoryWhere stories live. Discover now