The Claws of the Waves

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Okay I may have freaked people out

This isn't the second last part, I got a bit carried away whilst writing and this ended up being longer then intended so I split it up into multiple parts.

End I soon either way.



The sun was brightest above the clouds that hung like weary drapes over the English countryside, however Harry chose to fly just under it. The dew made his shaggy black hair damp and muggy so that it stuck to his face like spiderwebs. The countryside rolled under him like serpents in marshy seas, though all were unfamiliar to him. His mind was in a gridlock as he passed strange rivers and streams that he didn't recognise and had then realised that he was lost.

And where the bloody hell is Shell Cottage again?

The clouds above him started to rumble, the sun casting them into stormy pinks and purples. Harry leant forward on his broom, turning it's nose down and starting to pin drop. He pulled up just before the ground and skidded to a halt along a mossy prairie. He tucked his broom beneath his arm, gripping onto it's handle and looking up to the sky.

The drizzly sky started to weep, crying small droplets of water onto Harry's face, soaking through his large chimaera-skin coat and into his red and yellow striped socks. Harry took a deep breath in time with another roll of thunder and started to imitate the sky. He didn't know what had tipped the tear from out the corner of his eyes, but he closed his eyelids and let it slide down his ruddy cheek. His heart started to beat faster in his chest, his neck becoming redder and eyes more swollen with water.

Platinum. Silver. Pale. Precious. Treasure. Black. Ink. Red. Snake. Wand. Throat. Your end. Black. At your very end.

"Just get to Shell Cottage," Harry said suddenly, out loud for no particular reason. He rubbed his head against the heel of his palm, sighing deeply to himself before holding his broom sturdy ready to mount again.

However, before he swung his leg over he heard the sound of sizzling. No. It wasn't sizzling, more like extinguishing, like someone had splashed water into a pot of erumpent oil. Harry raised his head, his gaze scanning the empty plains. Then he spotted, in the dimming dusk light, a blaze.

I'm not gonna lie and say I was okay... Hey it's Ginny... I don't want to be on bad terms...I'm sorry... Something is up... I do think you should come out... Secrets... The Order... This guy... I hope you two are happy—

Harry stumbled back, running backwards as quickly before tripping on his own feet. His lungs felt like they were in his throat, tight and shallow, pulsing against his tongue and only allowing him to scream.

He had to be going insane.

He only wished that he wasn't alone, that Draco—


Harry sat up, his hand pulling his wand out of his cloak pocket in the flash of a second, holding it out with white-tight knuckles. His ears fished through the pounding of the rain to try and hear any other sounds of movement. When he had found the white noise air barren, he let his feet slowly move beneath him, treading the ground as warily as possible. When he rounded the corner, he took a double take, rubbing his eyes before looking out again. There it was again, the blaze, a warm fire burning a few paces in front of him.

As he approached, it reared its head backward and squawked again "SHRAAAA!" Harry was blasted back again as large wings unfurled and started beating a barrel of hot air at him. He held his palm up to his eyes, squinting at the ball of fire.

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