Bring Back My Mind

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"Go back inside, Harry!"

"We've got this under control, boy!"

Regardless of their requests for him to back down, Harry's feet pounded against the powdery white sand towards the edge of the shield. Mrs Weasley and Kingsley Shacklebolt were sending long tendrils of spells to reinforce the shields and Remus and Alastor Moody were flanking Harry at either side.

Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of Draco, it was amazing how even with his curt platinum hair and perky nose and shaped body that he looked nothing like Harry's boyfriend. Voldemort's eyes were trained on Harry's similarly, sharpened-down with malicious intent as he lashed red spells at the shield with his wand. Harry barged forward, his shoulder leading his body as he rammed towards the edge of the beach, but was launched back by the shield.

He skidded across the sandy beach, catching himself on the heels of his hands. Voldemort had stopped tormenting the shield with the spells and instead craned his head to glare down at Harry. A smile stretched across his face unlike the ones that he and Draco had shared in each others arms, a smile that was contoured with the light of the spells casted around him and creased with soulless content.

Harry curled his legs underneath himself and pushed himself up, wiping his brow with the back of his hand and sneering at Voldemort. "Mrs Weasley! Let me through the field," he shouted back over his shoulder, puffing up his chest as he flicked his eyes between her and the grin on Voldemort's face.

"Oh Harry, dear, I can't let you go near him! Now go back inside!" She insisted, though her words wavered every time she caught Harry's eye. He looked back to where the mob of Death Eaters all crowded around the malevolent teenage boy who whispered dark plots into their eyes. "Oh you too Ginevra! Hermione! Dear, girls! Go back inside!"

Harry whipped his head around to see Hermione with a patchy hand-sewn cardigan pulled tightly around her small frame against the bitter lash of the midnight sea breeze. Ginny pushed past her and looked with wide eyes at the flashes of red from behind Harry. He walked towards them, the shock on their faces replaced with fiery determination.

"What's going on? Are the fields keeping up?" Hermione asked, barely even looking at Harry as her eyes followed the rippling of the field.

"Mrs Weasley's on it," Harry said simpilly, his breath coming out thin as his eyes drifted past Hermione to where Ron stood on the deck, leaning over the railing with a testing ambition.

"Holy... Holy shit." Harry heard Ginny's voice from beside him as she started moving closer to the edge of the field. He noticed she was looking directly at Voldemort, or more so, their old peer, the boy who used to spit on their freckles and hand-me-down clothes, the Slytherin who was never where he wanted to be, the face that made a blue light glimmer in her eyes. Harry felt a tug in his chest as he swiveled around to see what she was looking at.

"Harry... Is that... Malfoy?" Hermione muttered through the gushes of wind, her voice tight in her throat and her pupils growing small. Her chest started to heave up and down as the clasp of fear started to encircle her eyes.

"Not anymore," he said simply, keeping his words curt to give way from his raked breath. "You two get inside, I have to—" he started but was winded by a searing pain in his head once more. His legs buckled beneath him and his knees grazed against the rocky sand. With one hand on his forehead he looked over to Voldemort but instead his vision become blurred.

Harry could see himself through a haze from a third person perspective. He was staring directly into the eyes that others had always said resembled his mothers but from a few paces away. The peripherals of his visions started to twist and darken and he felt himself losing sight, however just before his eyes strained to black he heard a subtle voice;

"Bring back my mind."

Harry came back to on the beach within the arms of Hermione. Her frantic questions hovered in the air around him but he was too dazed to interpret what she was saying. All that he could think about was that familiar voice. Was that Draco reaching out to him from inside Voldemort's possession? What could he do to bring him back? He looked up through the shield to mass of red spells that framed his boyfriends body, watching as Voldemort screwed Draco's porcelain features into malice. He was facing away from Harry, his head hung slightly and expression curved with internal scrutiny.

They had to move fast, because if Voldemort knew that there was a chance for Draco to come back, he would do anything to stop them.

When Mrs Weasley profusely asked once more for the younger wizards and witches to head inside, Harry actually complied, guiding Ginny and Hermione to follow him inside as well.

Once on the porch of Shell Cottage, Harry started saying, "I need you guys to help me, I think there may be a way to get Voldemort out of Draco's body—"

"Do we really want Malfoy back as well?" Ron, who was still stubbornly leaning against the stonebirck walls of the cottage, spat.

With a roll of her eyes Hermione tutted, "Its better than dealing with Voldemort." She turned to Harry, her voluminous brown hair bouncing as she did, and inquired further, "What makes you think we can do that anyway?"

Thinking back to the Occlumency magic Snape had taught him at the beginning of the year, Harry pondered whether there was a link between Draco and Voldemort similar to the link Harry himself had. "If... There was a way to banish Voldemort's mind from Draco as I've had to do myself."

"Are you talking about an exorcism?" Ginny chimed in, her head cocked with confusion over harry's intentions.

"No no, this requires Legilimency," Harry corrected, before adjusting, "At least I think. Snape used to say something about controlling emotions so as to not be provoked so easily. If we can get into Draco's mind and help him fight the fight against Voldemort, then maybe we could get rid of his curse."

After a few pensive hums across the porch, accompanied by nods, Ron threw his hands up in the air and expressed, "Are you serious?! Are you seriously planning on getting into Malfoy's mind of all people?"

"More importantly, and frankly less misguidedly," Hermione scoffed. "How will any of know him enough to be able to get through to him? Mind magic is a very personal and fragile thing, Harry, you must remember."

Behind a feigned thoughtful expression that was truly hiding a moment of clarity, Harry knew exactly what he could do to bring him back. He broke out of thought and put his hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Trust me, trust us! We can do this, for the sake of our safety. We mightn't be able to get rid of him for good but..." he slowed, choosing his next words wisely. "Maybe, we can spare a friend."

The four of them huddled together and go ready to rejoin the battlefield of Shell Cove, however Harry noticed Ginny looking at him funny, her eyes slightly blue with a pensive wisp. He shook away his concern and slid across the beach and towards the Weasley's shields.

"Okay, to do this together we're going to need to be perfectly in time," Hermione instructed, putting her arms around Harry and Ron, who put his arm around Ginn. "According to 'Funis's Manipulation of the Dark Arts' we need all look at You Know Who directly in the eyes before saying the spell. And remember it a hard g, Legilimens not Legilimens."

The group of four banded together, and, on Harry's count, connected their gaze with Voldemort's.

Harry felt a gulp in his throat and a twinge in his heart before chanting with the rest of them, "Legilimens!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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