Fever Dream

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 Harry was paraded into the Gryffindor Common Room, his back held up by his fellow teammates. His body pulsed with adrenalin as the hype around him heightened even more. The rest of the Gryffindors jumped up from their games of Wizards Chess to congratulate their team's victory, well, their new Captain's victory.

It was wild. It was feverish. It was like a drug, carving a smile on his face as he vigorously shook hands with his rejoiced peers.

People were shouting words of appraisal at him over the noise of the room and music in which someone was playing. Ron patted him on the shoulder, saying something about it being a good game. Hermione straightened his glasses before saying that he was absolutely crazy.

Then he was met with a pair of large brown eyes. Within seconds, Harry was overwhelmed with a sensation at his lips. He drew back to realise that Ginny Weasley had kissed him.

The world stopped.

In seconds, Harry was dropped back down to reality. His world was no longer crowded with the wild and crazy, because suddenly it was just the two of them, suddenly it was clear. As time slowed so did his mind. With his blood momentarily no longer pulsing with adrenalin, he felt every single sense possible. His eyes felt soothed with her soft and subtle skin. His ears were blessed with a soft smack of her lips as she drew them away from Harry's. His lips were warmed with the sensation of another pair of lips on them.

Even though all of these things were making his body whirr with excitement, the one thing that managed to become clear in his mind, however inappropriate, was Draco Malfoy's name.

This was wrong.

It was obvious what was odd about the situation, and it was the lingering presence of the blond boy in Harry's mind. In that moment, Harry realised that it wasn't the moment that was wrong, that it wasn't kissing Ginny that was wrong, but it was Malfoy. Malfoy was wrong. Malfoy was the parasite in his brain, and it needed to be gotten rid of.

His blood rushing with the fever dream that was his reality, Harry grabbed the neck of Ginny's cloak, looking her steadily in the eyes before drawing her face into another kiss.

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