Flushed Red

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Only short. Next part probably won't beee??? 


 Night and sleeping had become two very separate things to Harry, and as he laid planken on the bed, looking up at the red drapes of the bed frame with the ecstasy of the night coursing through his veins, he sighed. He had crept in as quiet as he could, the rest of his roommates dozing in a thick smog of snores. His blood was pumping into his ears. The walk to the Gryffindor common room was awkward and embarrassing, however, he couldn't imagine how much worse Draco's would have been with the twenty other Slytherins with him.

That wasn't the last time Harry had thought about Draco that night, for sleep seemed far buried under the tremendous amount of thoughts that he had of him. Draco this and Draco that. He couldn't help it! After a whole day anticipating their meeting, and then a whole night together, he couldn't just leave it!

When will it be enough?

Harry sighed to himself, pulling up his sheets against the cool winter air. He knew that whatever was happening between him and Draco would end eventually; soon, if Harry was a pessimist. He couldn't help but think of the wizarding world, Voldemort, Death Eaters, death, the Dark Mark, even the Order and the Weasleys. All things that came in the way. All reasons to leave.

And really, what reasons were there to stay.

Harry's eyes widened and cheeks flushed red as he felt himself stiffened between the legs. 

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