𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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After the day ended, (Y/N) decided to stop by the hideout for the League of Villains later. Just as you was getting ready to leave, a cold hand stopped you from leaving. You looked back to see red and white hair.

"Yes, Nii-chan?" You questioned Todoroki as he stood there.

"I was wondering if you would like to come home and see our other siblings. They miss you, you know. They blame themselves for your disappearance all the time. I think it would do them good to see that you're back now." He says to her.

(Y/N) thought about it for a while, your mind going back to the days when she would get ignored by Fuyumi and Natsuo whenever Shoto was in the room. You thought back to when Shoto and Touya were her only friends, and their father was tolerable. While she thought about it all, Shoto on the other hand was very nervous. What if she said no? What if she said yes? What if she still disliked their siblings for the past? These were some of the thoughts that ran through his head at that moment. After thinking it through, (Y/N) decided that you could go the League later, your family came first, no matter what. She turned to Shoto and smiled before answering his question.

"Sure, let's go."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The two siblings walked up the steps of the Todoroki estate. Again, she got flashbacks of the house being her home. It wasn't her home anymore. Her twisted mind went back to the days where she would stay with her mom, Shoto or Touya whenever the others ignored her, She thought about when the Zoldycks would come over to play with her while their parents talked about whatever they talked about. She thought about when her father was a bit kinder than what he was like now, and they would have movie nights on the weekends.

"(Y/N)?" Shoto called out to his sister. Said girl snapped her head up to look at him, remembering where they were. Shoto looked ahead and put his opened the door. (Y/N) stood behind Shoto so the others wouldn't see her yet. "Welcome back Shoto!" (Y/N) heard a female voice say. "Hello Fuyumi." He replied. "Hey little bro!" Natsuo greeted him. "Hello Natsuo." Shoto said. Fuyumi noticed another pair of shoes behind her younger brother.

"Hey Shoto, who's behind you?" She questioned the boy.

He stiffened as he looked behind him and nodded at (Y/N), silently telling her to come out. (Y/N) nodded back, and slowly stepped out from behind Shoto. Her black and white hair glowed in the light as it moved with her every movement. Her heterochromatic eyes shone as she looked up at her two older siblings, who's jaws were currently on the floor. "Hey..." (Y/N) spoke out, her beautiful eyes looking back at the floor. All was silent until Fuyumi spoke up.


"Hi, Fuyumi..."

A white and red blur raced towards the girl, throwing itself at her and wrapping (Y/N) in its arms. A loud sob came from Fuyumi as she buried her face into the black and white haired girl's shoulder. Natsuo finally got over the shock and came to his senses with the loud noise. He slowly stood up, walking over to the crying girl and the one trying to get her to stop crying. He took (Y/N)'s face into his hands and looked into her eyes. Brown and blue eyes stared back at him as he started tearing up as well. "(Y/NNNN)!!!" The white haired male cried as he also threw himself onto the 16 year old. (Y/N), panicking, turned to Shoto for help. Shoto saw the panic in her eyes and sighed. He walked over to the trio and pulled Fuyumi and Natsuo off of the suffering girl. "That's enough, you guys. (Y/N) still needs to breathe." Shoto said calmly. "I'm sorry!" Fuyumi and Natsuo exclaimed, bowing to the girl. (Y/N) awkwardly patted their heads, smiling a little bit. "It's fine you guys, I would have done the same thing in your place." (Y/N) gave a closed eye smile to the two siblings. Shoto walked next to (Y/N), and began to talk, "So, should we hang out, since (Y/N) is back?"

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