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Nicole woke up to the sound of giggling and whispering

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Nicole woke up to the sound of giggling and whispering. Blinking her eyes open, she saw that her face was buried into something.

"What the..." She sat up at saw Courtney and Demetri looked down at Courtney's phone and laughing.

She then turned and saw that she was right and her face was buried into Eli's neck.

"Eli. Eli, wake up." Nicole muttered.

"W-What happened?" He gasped and sat up, his arms still snaked around her body.

"Nothing happened, it's morning time." Nicole answered.

Eli slowly removed his arms from her wasit and she frowned, missing the warmth of him on her body. Though, Eli came off as a small and shy person, he still made her feel safe and warm.

"Good morning, how was your sleep?" Courtney smirked at the two best friends.

"Peaceful. Until we were rudely woken up." Nicole replied and stood up.

"Well, it is the morning." Demetri shrugged.

Eli stretched and then stood up next to Nicole, the four stood in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"So, Demetri has your opinion changed on 16 Candles?" Courtney turned in his direction.


"What? How could you not absolutely love that movie!" She exclaimed.

Demetri tolled his eyes, then stalked off into the kitchen with Courtney following him, ranting to him about 16 Candles.

Nicole hugged herself where Eli's arms were once before, still feeling cold without him. She missed being buried in his neck and the feeling of his arms being wrapped around her.

"You know, I slept really well last night." Eli spoke up.

"Yeah, me too. I was really warm." She agreed.

Eli nodded and Nicole gave him a soft smile, things feeling slightly awkward between the two.

Meanwhile, Daniel LaRusso was staring out of the window from his kitchen at his other daughter with her date from last night, Kyler.

"Sam's gonna be fine. We met Kyler. Outside of wasting a few bucks worth of tuna, he seemed harmless." Amanda assured her husband.

"I've known plenty of guys that seemed harmless that were real pieces of crap behind the scenes." Daniel replied.

Amanda sighed, not wanting to get into it with her husband. "Come on, we have to go wake up your other daughter. Nicole! Come on, honey, don't be late!"

There was no reply from upstairs.

"Nicole?" Amanda called once more.

A look of confusion came over both Daniel and Amanda's faces, wondering why their eldest daughter wasn't yelling down to them that she was awake or that she was in the shower.

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