𝒗𝒊𝒊. lime green race car

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❝ hey, where's henry? i wanna show him a new magic trick

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❝ hey, where's henry? i wanna show him a new magic trick. ❞

         THE DINNER PARTY still went on at rossi's mansion

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         THE DINNER PARTY still went on at rossi's mansion. olivia sat at a long table by herself that could fit all of the guests. people were still scattered around the yard, having many different discussions. liv felt comfort in seeing all her friends having a good time. the radio a few feet away from olivia played a song that seemed like everyone recognized it. derek and penelope started dancing, smiles appearing on everyone's faces. the beautiful blonde woman that is jennifer jareau, walked towards olivia, holding will and henry's hands.

         "liv, sorry to bother you, but do you mind watching henry while will and i go dance?" the blonde asked.

         "yeah, of course! you two go dance and have fun, i can watch him." liv smiled at the couple, a relieved grin on jj's face. she watched as the happy couple became happier, which was deemed impossible to the griffins girl.

         "hi!" henry exclaimed, grabbing olivia's attention. she smiled back at the adorable kid standing in front of her, "hi." henry's hands wandered to the pockets of olivia's cardigan that was hanging off the chair. he found a travel-sized, lime green race car toy in her pocket, which he then showed it off to olivia. she recognized the toy immediately. the race car belongs to oliver. he left it in her pocket one day when she was holding it for him.

         "do you want to play with the car?" she asked henry, earning an excited nod from him. she knew oliver wouldn't mind sharing one of his toys with another kid. henry climbed on olivia's lap, so he could be leveled with the table and started playing with the car, making car noises.

         minutes later, and the song was finished. jj walked over to emily and penelope, noticing the two watching olivia and henry. "what are the two of you looking at?"

         penelope removed her gaze on the two to look at jennifer, "liv and henry. she's really good with kids." she pointed at the two of them. jj looked at the direction penelope was pointing at to see olivia and henry getting along well. frankly, it warmed jj's heart.

"henry hasn't left olivia ever since you and will started dancing." emily told her. then, spencer walked over to the three ladies.

"hey, where's henry? i wanna show him a new magic trick." spencer asked, resulting jj pointing to liv and henry. he looked over, noticing their beaming smiles basically glued on their faces. and if he was being completely truthful, he found olivia's smile endearing. but he wouldn't admit that aloud.

he snapped out of his thoughts once rossi came out to the yard, holding one last pan of food. almost throughout the entire time, he has been coming in and out of the yard, setting down food on the table. "food is ready!" he announced to everyone.

         everybody came together and took their seats. henry ran over to his parents and sat with them, while anna went over to olivia and sat with her. they all shared their own little stories with the occasion of penelope and derek platonically flirting. olivia doesn't think she's been more happier than that moment, laughing and spending time with the people she cares most, despite only knowing most of them for almost a month. however, she'd subconsciously look around the table and find spencer reid glancing at her.

         every time she looked his way, he immediately stopped his glances. spencer reid usually knows the answer to everything. but, he didn't know why his eyes kept bringing him back to olivia. maybe it was the way her dark hair was ever so slightly wavy all the time and how it sat perfectly over her shoulders. maybe it was the way she was very stylish for an FBI agent. or maybe it was the way spencer knew that she deeply cares for everyone. it was her first case with them, and she was the one who got spencer to go back inside the precinct. with how stubborn he was being that day, she could've given up and let him sit by himself, but she didn't. she even tried apologizing to him for something that wasn't even remotely her fault at all.

maybe spencer was wrong. maybe trying to be friends with her wouldn't  be such a bad thing. maybe he did want to be friends with her. and maybe being around her doesn't necessarily mean that he'll form an attachment to her. right?

this is just a small little chapter to end
the dinner party chapter. and also
spencer def already has a FAT crush
on liv & he just doesn't know it/doesn't
want to admit it <33
and i know the writing in these chapters
are slow, but bear with me IT WILL

also, if you haven't already, please go
read HENRYSREID- 's wondering spencer
reid fic!!! it's literally amazing and i'm in

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