𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. the psychology of letting go

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❝ i can't do this without her

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❝ i can't do this without her. ❞

         OLIVIA'S EYES FLUTTERED open, catching quick glimpses of bright artificial lights, the tile ceiling, a small mounted tv in the corner of the room

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OLIVIA'S EYES FLUTTERED open, catching quick glimpses of bright artificial lights, the tile ceiling, a small mounted tv in the corner of the room. she can smell the unpleasant aroma that immediately surrounded her. she heard the sounds of distant clattering, chatter, footsteps, and beeping. she can feel her hand being clutched by someone else's, and once her eyes were able to stay open, she found spencer. he was sleeping on a chair placed next to her bed as his hand gently held olivia's.

she looked around her surroundings and realized she was a in a hospital room. and just like that, everything came back to her; her abduction, devin, blood, guns, the dark place, anna. she began to shed a few tears at the recollection of anna and the warehouse, not as intense as before, but her eyes were still turning puffy. her quiet sobs managed to wake spencer up. "hey, hey, shhh." he stood up next to her to comfort her. olivia allowed him to hold her once more, his fingers running through her hair. "anna." she mumbled.

        "i know, liv, i'm really sorry." he whispered. it took a few minutes before her sobs and breathing were slowing down.

          "what am i supposed to tell the twins? where are they?" olivia questioned. "jj and garcia are on their way here with them. i'm so sorry." he told her. olivia started to get up from the hospital bed, spencer stopping her from doing so. she muttered, "spencer, i cannot stay here."

          "no, you have to sit back down. your doctors said that you need rest." he spoke.

         suddenly, penelope walked into the room, her heels making slight clicking noises on the floor, and her colorful dress catching olivia and spencer's attention. "oh my sweet little angel, i'm so sorry. i was so worried."

"penelope, where are the twins?" she asked. "they're outside in the waiting room with jj, hotch, and rossi." penelope softly voiced. "do you want me to bring them in?" olivia nodded her head in response.

         she grasped onto spencer's hand, nerves coursing through her body. she couldn't imagine how they were going to feel and react. the two children walked into her room, jj trailing behind them. spencer's free hand was placed on liv's shoulder as he whispered to her ear, "i'm going to give you some space." to which he then kissed her temple, and went waiting outside her room with jj.

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, spencer reid ¹Where stories live. Discover now