Hidden Somewhere

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~~Hey fabulous person! I'm back to slay another Titan, I'm super sorry for the slow updates I was working on a one-shot :D Anyways like I have said before I am going to end this soon buuuuut I have NO IDEA how, if you have one maybe comment below? Arigato! One last thing, this has time skipped for about 4 days..I dont really need to explain. Anyways, Happy reading!~~ Kawaiipotat0

~~Levi's POV~~

4 days..4 days..But where could she be? Levi thought to himself, he hasn't seen Sakura for 4 days, he was questioning where she went.

"She didn't leave did she!? What if she went on the expedition?" Levi said to no one as he thought outloud.

"No, someone would have told me..Right?" A panic feeling rushes through him, hoping Sakura stayed, he went out of his room to look for her.

~Sasha Mini POV~

"Sasha have you seen Sakura? I can't find her anywhere!!" Levi says to me with a rushed tone.

I look at him shocked, wasn't he always with Sakura? "Sorry Levi, I have no idea. Want me to help you?" I ask him filled with concern.

She didn't just leave right? Hopefully..

Levi nods and we split up, looking for Sakura.

I check the dining hall, looking up and down through the tables and chairs. I look into the kitchen, nothing but a small baked potato, I grab it with delight.

I check her room, it was clean and empty. I start to feel a bit panicked, where did she go?

I meet up with Levi once again. "No luck," we say in unision. His expression was cold, but it showed the hiding face of a worried, tired, person.

I try to give a small smile to let him lift his spirits a bit, his face softens from the worry look.

"If I find her I'll be sure to tell you. Don't worry Levi, shes probably just out somewhere while your looking." I give a wave and head off, he nods his head slowly still taking in the last words I said.


It was late in the night, Levi was tired and lost in thought, he had the feeling of worry-some inside himself. He went to his room and sat on his bed, thinking of any possible places Sakura could be. The only thing that came to his mind was the outer wall and the expedition.

He got up and began to pace, back and forth, back and forth, until he stopped dead in his tracks. A hopeful thought came to him.

The expedition ends tomorrow, if she comes back then I know she did go. But if everyone is back but not her I'll send a search party looking for her! Maybe then I could find her!

He smiled to his delight that his worries were lifted...Momentarily that is.

~~Hey again! DUN DUN DUN MOMENTARILY?! HAH?! Lul find out in the next chapter! :) suuuuupppeeerrrr sorry for the sllloooowwww update, I have writers block like Soo bad :( next chapter hopefully will be out soon!~~ Squad Member: kawaiipotato~~ ~~Squad Leader: Heichou Levi~~

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