Hoping For Light

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~~Hey fabulous person! Im back to slay another titan (im on a roll xD) So the far the story took a sharp turn with Sakura, dont worry it will all come together sooner or later ;) for now I'll mostly have Levi and Sakura's friends POV's including Armin so you can hear from them for a bit and plus Sakura is in bad conditiong and unconcious so she cant talk XD Hope you enjoy this fanfic as I continue to write more each day! ^--^ Happy reading everyone! Also one last thing, if you want to see the full photo up there i did edit it, just click it so you can see the whole thing ^_^ ~~ ~~kawaiipotat0_0taku~~

~~Sasha's POV (Such a twist xD)~~

Aw, Levi is so sweet! He really does like Sakura! I said to myself as I watched Levi looking out for Sakura through a small opening of the tent. As soon as I saw him get up I quickly dashed behind a crate of medic supplies making sure he doesnt see me.

Once he leaves I run inside and sit in his chair, "Sakura, if only you saw what just happened you would be red as a cherry! I knew he liked you, I just didnt know such a cold person could be this heart warming!" I smile and gently stroked her hair.

After a few mintues I decide it was time to eat and maybe get a chance to talk to Levi. I walk out giving Sakura a small wave goodbye then headed to the dining hall. Once I arrived I looked around to find sight of Levi who was sitting in his usual spot by the corner, I grabbed my food then headed over.

"Hey Heichou." I said softly trying not to piss him off, I knew he was in a bad mood so I tried to act "normal" instead of my energetic self. He glared at me trying to make me afraid but after everything I saw it was no use, I should probably tell him before someone else finds out and does.."U-uh, Levi? I know you might hate me forever and make me do extra chorse but can I tell you something?" He stares at me, his eyes widen a little.

"Brat tell me already, Im having a bad day as it is." He sips his tea and waits for my reply. "W-well, I sort of saw you..in the tent, comforting Sakura in a way and I thought it was really sweet." Levi looked at me with his eyes fully open, it looked like he was about to spit out his tea until I heard him gulp it down.

"What did you say brat?!" His glare was fierce but I kept a straight face and ate my food. He leans back and trys to calm himself, oops I might have made him more pissed. After a few minutes the dining room was begining to clear out, and eventually no one but a few loners on the other side of the room. "You know..if she heard you she would feel the same way about you too." I finally speak and try to lift his spirits, his face turns a light pink and looks down, "But how, I failed to protect her it's all my fault shes about to die."

My facial changed into a confused and saddened look. "No, you wrong dont put this on yourself. You tried to protect her but when she needed it the most  you couldnt do anything, your body was in shock to see this happen right before you. Dont beat yourself up, I know you better." I look at him with tears in my eyes, I missed her and I knew he did too. Soon he gets up and begins to leave, I look at him with concernd eyes. "Im going to see Sakura, if you want to come go ahead." I nod then get up to go. We walked in silence as we reached the tent, he went in first and I followed closing it tightly. I watched by the door as Levi sat next to Sakura, staring with hopeful eyes.

I felt his pain, it reminded me of myself, always hidingg my emotions and being all happy when really i'm crying inside. I missed my family and the freedom of exploring outside, not having to worry about idiot Titans coming and killing us. Suddenly, Levi expression changed and became somber, I felt a cold chill go down my spine, I hope I wont get hurt for seeing this. Heichou got up and came towards me, he stopped in front of me and put his hand forward, I looked at him scared but I kept it in. "Here, as long as you dont tell anyone about what you saw I wont make you do anything. Were in the same boat on worrying for Sakura, I think it's best if we both watch over her."

I was confused after what he just said but since he probably doesnt have many friends i'm guessing this is his opening of a friendship. I gave a small smile and took his hand, we shook hands and decided to work a schedule for looking after Sakura until she awakes from her tragic injury. If she awakes that is. I hope she will, if she didnt I dont think Levi would ever want to go on another mission and we need him! He's hummanitys strongest soilder but without his strength and power that keeps him going (A/N:Sakura is his power/ stength) He can never fight the same way again. After hours of discussing, we went to our rooms for the night and continued the same way, only feeling like something is missing.

~~Hey again! Wow...idek xD hope you scouts enjoyed this short chapter! Sorry for the delay I was scrambled with homework. Do leave a comment or like if you want, so far I have 39 reads so im super happy arigato! (Thank You in japanese) Next chapter coming soon so stayed prepared!! Btw still no Sakura for the next one sorry! Kill Titans while I'm away xD Bai for now!~~ ~~Scout Member: kawaiipotat0_0taku~~ ~~Squad Leader: Heichou Levi~~

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