Where Am I?

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~~Hey fabulous person! Im back to slay another Titan! Hope you liked the last chapter, pretty kawaii eh? anyways, Happy reading! Sorry for the very late upddate :( ~~ ~~kawaiipotat0_0taku~~

~~Sakura's POV~~

I wake up from a very comfortable sleep, I could feel the soft blankets and pillow. I could tell I wasn't in the infirmary bed. My face was facing towards the wall so I couldn't really see anything, but I did smell the sweet smell of breakfast. I slowly turn to the other side, I managed to make it over without feeling a single thing. Suddenly, my eyes go in complete shock as I realize I wasnt in my room.

I look around and see a dark green cloak hanging behind a door, then I look to the desk table, there I see two tea cups and some bread, I instantly knew where I was as my face starts to feel warm. I-I thought Levi dropped me in my room, how did I get in here!? I start to panic as I know now that I was in Levi's room and to make me feel more flushed I slept in his bed. I try to get up, slowly I shift up and get into a sitting position, there I see Levi who is still asleep on the floor.

I was about to yell in total shock but then I realize something, wait..Levi did all of this and even sacrificed his bed so I could feel comfortable? Now I just feel bad! My feelings soon turn into surprised sadness as I felt the need to return Levi the favor. I was helpless in this state so I sat in thought, watching him sleep peacfully. I stared at him, his black hair was messy and it covered his face hiding his eyes. I begin to kneel down, I slowly shifted onto my knees, I felt the slightest bit of pain. I moved down to where his head was, I slowly reached my hand out and tapped him.

I waited for a reaction but he didn't move, I tried moving back on my bed, only starting to feel more pain through my legs. From kneeling down too long I began to get weak, I then give up and go on the ground, my body sat in front of him. Levi then shifts around his hair moved revealing one eye, I try to move quietly right when his arm was about to touch my leg. Suddenly, as I moved away my leg froze and was completly paralized with pain, I could no longer hold in my voice. "Ah! Levi wake up, I need some assistance." His eyes finally began to open, they sooned widened once he saw me beside him.

He quickly sat up and began to pick me up. As I slowly came up from off the ground, I could feel my cheecks get warm and pink. He sat me on his bed and took a step back, he then began to look at me. "What were you doing?" He asked, his tone was curious. I looked up to him and responded, "I was going to check if you were awake because I was hungry..." I said in a convincing tone.

He continued to stare at me and I couldnt help myself not to blush more. "I'll get you some food, just wait here and dont move around too much." He replied in a soothing tone, Levi then got up and stopped, realizing he needed to change clothes. I looked in shock as I soon realized, there was then a awkward silence. What he was wearing looked fine, a white, half buttoned shirt and some regular pants but I guess it wouldnt look so right if the corporal were to go out for long in them. "I will be right back..." Levi said in a quiet voice, he then picked up his clothing and walked out of the room, leaving me on his bed.

A few minutes later he came back fully dressed and held a plate with food, My eyes lit up and my stomach began to growl. "Here." Levi said as he handed me the plate, it had a steamed potato, a small loaf of bread and on the side table sat some Jasmine tea, the usual. I took a bite out of the potato, the steam emerged out from inside and melted in mouth. "Thank you, maybe I'll just ask you all the time," I said with a chuckle, he looked at me and smiled.

I spent my entire day resting in Levi's room, it didnt feel so awkward after a while. I enjoyed his company it made me feel a light, happy feeling inside. The time soon reached lunch, then passed on till dinner, he only left when I needed food. Although I didnt do much today, I still had fun, and it was with Levi too so that's even better! He's so sweet when it comes to care, I hope these moments will come again...Even after the injury.

~~Hai scouts!! GOMEN EVERYONE!!! I AM SOOOOOO SORRY FOR POSTING SO LATE, I HAVE BEEN BUSY, SCHOOL WORK KILLS ME!!!! T^T I promise the next chapter will come faster, for now please enjoy this one :) Gomen if it's a bit short with action...I still have plans ahaed so you must keep reading!! ^^ Bai for nowscouts! ~~Scout Member: kawaiipotat0_0taku~~ ~~Squad Leader: Heichou Levi~~

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